Search results

  1. LamorakDesGalis

    The "Rapture Hoax" Theory

    The theory commonly called "the rapture hoax" for the origins of the pretribulation rapture goes something like this: 1. The idea originated with Immanuel Lacunza, a Roman Catholic Jesuit, who published a book in 1812 (in Spanish) called The Coming of Messiah in Majesty and Glory. 2. Edward...
  2. LamorakDesGalis

    Learning Biblical Hebrew: Vowels

    Basic Hebrew vowels (or vowel points) are small signs that appear below or above a consonant. Hebrew Vowel points: ָ Qames – looks like a small "t" under the consonant.ָ Its pronunciation is a as in “father” (most of the time). Sometimes the pronunciation is “o” as...
  3. LamorakDesGalis

    Learning Biblical Hebrew: Alphabet Sounds

    Here is the alphabet with the associated sounds. These are the consonantal sounds, although we will see next time that some of these letters do function as vowels. Aleph א has a short “throaty” sound similar to the “h” in “heir” and “honest” - and sometimes its silent. Its...
  4. LamorakDesGalis

    Learning Biblical Hebrew: Alphabet

    Learning the alphabet is a critical first step in learning Biblical Hebrew. Its as simple as this: if you can't distinguish between the letters, then you simply cannot read or pronounce the words! Fortunately there are some similarities between the English and Hebrew alphabets that help to...
  5. LamorakDesGalis

    LDG's Biblical Hebrew Class- Directory of Classes

    LDG's Biblical Hebrew Class-Directory of Classes: Here is where you will find listed all your class thread links ... Please PM Tishri1 if any link doesn't work:).... We will also keep a list of any Student Notebooks here (PM Tishri1 or LDG the link to your notebook)... LDG will be happy to meet...
  6. LamorakDesGalis

    Visual Aids in Churches or Sunday Schools

    I'm interested in what visual aids and/or multimedia is used in your Church or Sunday School - or a church you have visited. And your opinions of such things. For example, in an evangelical church I recently visited, the words to the songs were projected on a screen and hymnals were not used...
  7. LamorakDesGalis

    What do you expect from this forum?

    This thread is especially for newcomers, lurkers, passersby, etc. Do you come here to try and learn about anything specific in soteriology? Do you come to gawk at the heated debates? Do you want to see Christlike behavior alongside well reasoned arguments from different perspectives? Do you...
  8. LamorakDesGalis

    Eastern Orthodox Soteriology

    I'm interested in learning more deeply about various views different from my own. This thread focuses on question/answer concerning Eastern Orthodox soteriology. What is the "starting point" for Eastern Orthodox soteriology? LDG
  9. LamorakDesGalis

    Eastern Orthodox Knowledge Thread

    The focus for this particular thread is to provide an interactive place to learn about Eastern Orthodox beliefs and practices, adn the people who hold them. Now I'm not Eastern Orthodox. I'm not even considering becoming Eastern Orthodox. I have read a few books on EO, but I sincerely want to...
  10. LamorakDesGalis

    Zeal, love, honor and knowledge

    About 99.9% of us hold our convictions with honesty. Inside we know that, and yet, why do we often treat those with whom we disagree with disrespect? :doh: Well, most of us hold our convictions with a high degree of passion. We let our passions get a hold of us in religious topics, just like...
  11. LamorakDesGalis

    Personal Bible Reading and Study...

    1. Which format do you use for personal reading of Scripture - the printed word (paper), electronic, or a combination? 2. Which format do you use for studying Scripture - the printed word (paper), electronic, or a combination? 3. What is your preference? Do you want to read/study in only one...
  12. LamorakDesGalis

    Famous People who are Christians

    I'm always on the lookout for information concerning famous people in sports, politics, film and music who are also Christian. So feel free to list any that you know - or think might be Christian. Links or additional information is optional, but would be great. Confirmation (for and against)...
  13. LamorakDesGalis

    Anyone been persuaded?

    I'm curious, 1. Has anyone been persuaded by online forum arguments to change their views? (especially the changing of views regarding Arminianism and Calvinism). 2. Has anyone understood their view better or other views better because of online forum participation? 3. What - or who - do you...
  14. LamorakDesGalis

    What is your "endtime" view?

    How would you describe your "endtime" view? You don't have to defend your view - just explain it briefly. Or explain it with as much detail as you want. It can be a common view, a modified view or even a view unique to you. If you are thinking of possibilities or even don't have a view, then...
  15. LamorakDesGalis

    Formal Debate Challenge

    Anyone continually making strong assertions that you think just aren't right? Then challenge them to bring their assertions to a formal debate. :preach: If they agree, then setup a formal debate proposal here and hash out the details of the proposal. If they decline, well...cluck, cluck, they...
  16. LamorakDesGalis

    Calvinism vs. Arminianism - What is the Point?

    I can understand the participation and persuasion that goes on in apologetics. In apologetics there is a focus on bridging the gap between belief and unbelief. Those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior are justified in the eyes of God, while those who do not are condemned for their...
  17. LamorakDesGalis

    Practical Suggestions for the Christian Walk

    What practices or disciplines do you pursue in your Christian walk? And what practices or disciplines do you want to pursue in your Christian walk? And what positive suggestions would you give other Christians for the Christian walk? And - if you dare - what do you find difficult in your...
  18. LamorakDesGalis

    George Ladd on Dispensationalists

    George E. Ladd was certainly not a dispensationalist. In fact, he fervently opposed dispensationalism and wrote against it during his lifetime. At the same time, George Ladd recognized that "some of the most godly ministers and Bible teachers America has ever known" are dispensationalists. He...
  19. LamorakDesGalis

    Definition of Sanctification

    While John Owen's definition isn't the definitive word on sanctification, its one good way to look at it. Here it is: John Owen was always pretty wordy, but he included a lot of good concepts in his sentence. One is Christlikeness - and that in itself is a pretty good one-word definition that I...
  20. LamorakDesGalis

    What is your end-times view?

    What is your end-time view? I'm interested to know what are the variety of views for those in this forum - or actually, for anyone who comes across this thread. :D It is not necessary for you to defend it - just state it and/or explain it a bit. Because no one is required to defend their view...