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  1. Apple Sky

    As it was in the days of Noah

    King James Bible But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Today we see more and more of DNA splicing and the weird animals that are being produced. I just read this article Computer made out of human BRAINS could solve the world's energy crisis - here's the...
  2. Apple Sky

    The Daily Fake - Would you believe it ?

    Donald trump impostor. The real Donald trump What you guys think
  3. Apple Sky

    Who was Nimrod ?

    King James Bible And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. According to Gary Wayne in his book 'The Genesis 6 conspiracy' Nimrod was the one who had the Tower of Babel built & the book 'The legend of the Jews' also states that Nimrod was the one who had the tower of...
  4. Apple Sky

    How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ?

    How can I stop myself being addicted to conspiracies ? Ever since I was a kid I've rebelled against authority & I love to join all the dots. I was only 10 years old when I tried to join the dots concerning the book of Revelation. As I grew older I would buy any conspiracy book I could get my...
  5. Apple Sky

    Who was Elijah ?

    In the Bible we have two Prophets who translated to Heaven, they were Elijah & Enoch (Melchizedek) but were they angels ? We have Elijah who According to later Kabbalistic literature was really an angel in human form, so that he had neither parents nor offspring. Then we have Enoch (...
  6. Apple Sky

    Time Travel In The Bible

    Apparently in the book of Baruch there is a story of time travel. Although the book of Baruch is not in the Hebrew Bible, it is found in the Septuagint, in the Eritrean/Ethiopian Orthodox Bible, and also in Theodotion's Greek version. In 80-book Protestant Bibles, the Book of Baruch is a part...
  7. Apple Sky

    Are The Trumps Time Travelers

    Apparently Donald Trumps Uncle got hold of Tesla's documents............
  8. Apple Sky

    Who are the 144,000

    King James Bible And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. So you must be Jewish & a virgin. Could it be that these 144,000 are the babies that were killed by King Herod when...
  9. Apple Sky

    Ringing Cedars

    I very often just like to sit & write poetry. Ringing Cedars Ringing cedars bowed on low reflecting shadows by a moonlight glow such sweet music hummed the trees echoed away by a drifting breeze Ringing cedars mysterious tones heard by ancient megalithic stones chosen rightly by the legend...
  10. Apple Sky


    I very often just like to sit & write poetry. Jamaica I gazed in wonder the first time I saw your emerald waves caress the Shaw Silky soft, pure white sands gently flowed on through my hands Easy, relaxed was Jamaican life smoking dreams through a seashell pipe Colours shifted, moved on slow...
  11. Apple Sky

    I Make Marionettes

    Besides playing the classical guitar, I make marionettes here are a few of them;
  12. Apple Sky

    Who Are The Blood Lines of Cain

    There are two Enoch's in the scriptures, the other being the Son of Jared who walked with God. So who is this son of Cain called Enoch ? In the Book 'The Genesis 6 Conspiracy' by Gary Wayne, he states that this Enoch was evil who took after his father Cain. So apparently it is Cain's decedents...
  13. Apple Sky

    Memory Lane

    I used to own an antique shop as I've always been interested in stuff from the past. I thought it would be nice to take a fun trip down memory lane, feel free to give some of your favorite memory lane things like , objects, books adverts, toys etc. Here are a few of my favorites:
  14. Apple Sky

    Who is Melchizedek

    Who was Melchizedek and why was he so important? Melchizedek, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), a figure of importance in biblical tradition because he was both king and priest, was connected with Jerusalem, and was revered by Abraham, who paid a tithe to him. A Strange Story concerning...
  15. Apple Sky


    Did Mythological creatures exist ? I have reason to believe they did. According to the book of Jasher which is mentioned in the Bible - Joshua 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18; and 2 Timothy 3:8 it states this; I reckon before the flood (in the days of Noah) the masses were more advanced than we gave...
  16. Apple Sky

    The Underworld

    BTW - This is only a theory We began our research at the North pole the dead center of earth it's self, where I believe is the main entrance to the underworld, which by the way it is called the 'SCHLARAFFENLANDES'. If you take a look at this video below @ 1 hour & 33, You will see a...
  17. Apple Sky

    Genesis 6

    Genesis 6 1Now when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, 2the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose. 3So the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his...
  18. Apple Sky

    How Old Is The Earth

    If a thousand years for us is but a day for God, in God's eyes this should make the earth 7 + 6 = 13 days old, am I right ?
  19. Apple Sky

    The Remnants Of The Giants

    The mountains and rock faces are what I believe to be the remnants of the Giants from the great flood of Noah, we see faces, animals, mushrooms etc.... Here are some great video's that gives proof of this.
  20. Apple Sky

    Creation - The Micro & The Macro

    This is just a theory. I have very often asked myself, could we & the earth be the micro of God who is the macro. To understand this better here is a link.