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  1. S

    Bible study groups for non-Christians

    Hello, So far I have found the Bible pretty tough going - and I haven't even finished Genesis! Regardless of what I have tried to study in the past, I have found group lessons to be most effective and fun way to learn. I see there are many online Bible study groups. Why do they tend to be...
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    Do Christians pick and choose Bible verses that suit there own personal worldview?

    For example, someone who believes men are superior to women might meditate on Genesis 3:16 Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you. But other mights choose to ignore it. Is this common and accepted practice?
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    Own weakness vs the devil

    Hello, Whenever I feel the temptation to do something bad, I see root cause is simply my own weakness but I can always work on overcoming it. If I understand correctly, Christians believe that this temptation comes from the devil. Is my viewpoint incompatable with the Christian faith?
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    Hope in the Bible

    If understand correctly, the main hope offered by Christianity is the promise of eternal bliss after we die in return for following God. What does the Bible say about hope for our lives on earth?
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    Why did God stop directly commiting acts violent judgement?

    In Genesis 19 we see that God rained down sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. Today we have no shortage of violence but it's typically directly committed by humans, although some claim divine inspiration for their acts. There also is no shortage of immoral actors so why did god stop directly...
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    Is there a trend towards literal interpretation of Bible?

    Back in the 80s, when I attended a Presbyterian school, I understood the Bible doesn't change but the Christian interpretation of it does. For example it was once widely understood from the Book of Genesis that the world was created about 6000 years ago. I thought that modern Christians see...
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    Do Christians boast of weakness?

    Hello, I came across interesting concept in 2 Corinthians 12:9 "...I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses...". which I think is attributed to Paul. Do you Christians practice this? If so, I would be curious to hear some examples.
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    Learning about Christianity

    Hello everyone, I am a non-Christian keen to learn about Christianity but not become one. Am I in the right place? Shane