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  1. J

    WOW! You can save a ton of suffering by doing this

    I'm used to being a miserable person so I don't immediately recognize some voices as out of the ordinary. But after 24 hours of the same theme going around in the head, the dissatisfaction of the current state of things, I decided to simply observe the thought. First I noticed how the thought...
  2. J

    How can we avoid the same mistake?

    If the Jews had not changed the Name of God to Adonai, they would know that YHWH is a prophecy of Christ. The Muslims, too, would know, if they didn't change it to Allah. I suppose alot of western believers, I'm counting all those false gospels as well, would know that YHWH is Christ, if they...
  3. J

    The Name of YHWH

    Or the Tetragrammaton - the four letters. However, if you look closely, the name is consisting of three characters (charagma). To understand these, we need to look at the Tetramorph - The Ox, The Lion, the Eagle, the Angel The Ox is Beholding the Beginning - the heaven and the earth (two horns)...
  4. J

    Why seeking spirits is Vanity

    Vanity of vanities. I studied the phenomena of NDE:s and made an interesting find. First of all, you may notice that no two NDE:s are the same. Whether they are good or bad, they are never in the same universe. Also, here are spirits who say they are able to tailor, in their words, a...
  5. J

    An hour with the Beast

    ENTER BY THE NARROW GATE So it is becoming clear to me, that time is the root of all evil. By believing in time, the individual believes in his own works, good or bad, and has to account for all his works, good or bad, and has to be dependent on his own works, good or bad. Faith goes out the...
  6. J

    Hallowed be thy Name

    Well, I think we might have a problem, or a few. And Moses says to God, “Behold, I am coming to the sons of Israel, and have said to them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they have said to me, What [is] His Name? What do I say to them?” And God says to Moses, “I AM THAT WHICH I...
  7. J

    Water of Life?

    Can someone help me understand exactly what words it is he is talking about when he says this: It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.
  8. J

    Ancient Hebrew alphabet

    Leader "indwellt" walked through tent door "behold the nail" cut tent wall snake/basket('Caiaphas') deed to palm of hand from water life support see and speak fallen man behind the head/person/first consumed on the mark, sign, covenant
  9. J

    Pordoning the woman in adultery

    So we know that Jesus came with an interpretation of the law unbeknownst to the Jews. Being fallen ourselves, we of course should not judge others. Of course, that could have been said from the beginning. But it was not so. Instead it was said that marriage is a contract only exited through...
  10. J

    Why didst thou marvel?

    I find this comment by the angel to John comic, when he reacts to seeing the splendor of Babylon. He doesn't have the eyes of the flesh, and therefore really doesn't see, what he is marveling at.
  11. J

    Death by the Sword, or Captivity

    If you read closely, you may notice, that those who are worthy to take part in the First Resurrection, are those who were decapitated for the Name of Jesus. The only other possible way, was captivity to the Beast. That is to say, if you wish to keep your head, into Captivity you will go. If the...
  12. J

    The growth of the Seed

    As you know, there are four kinds of people in this world. Those who hear the word, but do not understand it, so that another philosophy will take over. Those who hear the word, understand maybe a part of it, but not enough to overcome "persecution", as their faith is shallow. Those who hear...
  13. J


    You might recall that one of the foundational aspects of what he said, was to take no thought for the morrow. Once you realize that you do not have the ability to shape the future, and decide your part in it, you have the opportunity for further growth and understanding, which will ultimately...
  14. J


    Jesus tells us, that we do not know when the master will come, but that we should expect him. That we should not let the world distract us, that we should expect him to come RIGHT NOW. I don't think he said it as a matter of speech. A lot of things happen if you expect him to come RIGHT NOW...
  15. J


    Hello brothers and sisters :) Today something was revealed to me. I will not tell you the full secret as of yet. I want to see if we can get the same conclusion. I have been reading the Bible for 14 years, and this passage multiple times of course. Normally, I would just consider them pretty...
  16. J


    Now those are three words, but they can have alot of meaning. How does the individual define God, and how does the individual define submission to this God? To clear confusion, God stood on a hill and held a sermon. While there is some debate over a few details, I think overall the message is...
  17. J

    The Inspired KJV

    Not sure if this is the right forum, maybe there should be a miracle section? In any case, behold This one is good too I like the nuances of the KJV, such a this one: John 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. However this is despite the fact...
  18. J


    So in Revelation we not only have the requirement for blood to overcome the devil, but also "the word of their testimony". And in the gospels we have water and Spirit, or water and fire, as well as in Moses. But how does "word of their testimony" become water, or vice versa? A person will...
  19. J

    Water and Spirit

    I don't understand how 'Christians' seem to miss this. Are these the modern day Pharasees, who can't see that YHWH means "behold the hand behold the nail"? I think there is redundant information that one is not 'saved' or 'born again' until one has stopped sinning. If you are living in sin, you...