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  1. Q

    Does God want us to live in a patriarchal society ?

    Is that for God’s will or against it ?
  2. Q

    Is this a good way to think ?

    What helps me make Godly decisions is always thinking God wants what is best for me. Is this a good way of thinking or is it unrealistic
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    Is it wrong for a Dad to be a stay-at-home dad and have his wife work ?

    Is it wrong to be a homemaker as a Christian Dad and stay home and watch the kids and have the wife work.
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    Is it a sin for a actor to dress in drag ?

    Some actors do it for comedy is that wrong? Reading deuteronomy it was a sin in the Old Testament but is it still wrong to do it now for theatrical purposes?
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    Is it a sin not be in love with your spouse ?

    If a person is married to a person that are not in love with are they in sin. Please support with scriptures
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    How much of our lives we actually control ?

    How much of our lives yall think we actually control is it 60% of 50% or less or more ?
  7. Q

    Is it wrong for a Christian to do this ?

    I recently met a new Christian friend who became a Christian 2 years ago and without asking he told me about the donations he makes to poor people and when he evangelizes to people. Even though I like what he is doing and congratulated him on doing those things I’m concerned he might be trying...
  8. Q

    Should I tell this activist about their sin ?

    A abortion pro-choice activist wanted me to sign abortion petition and I denied it and kept walking I told a Christian friend about it and he told me I did the wrong thing. He told me I should’ve denied it and after that and tell the activists that they are promoting sin and explain how wrong...
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    Can a Christian relationship last long and happy when the couple has little to nothing in common with each other ?

    If the only thing they share in common is political views and Faith views can the relationship work good and well in the long run ?
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    Is it hard to find Christian close friends?

    I go to church on a regular basis and I stay after the service to socialize but I find it hard to connect with many of my church members. They are my friends but I don’t have a real close bond with none of them because we don’t have too much in common. Is this issue common?
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    Is Kanye West an apostate?

    He went from proclaiming Jesus is Lord to claiming he is God again. Do yall think he fits the description of a apostate in Hebrews?
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    What makes a Christian a Apostate?

    Is returning back to sin or denying Jesus is God. What are they describing in hebrews ?
  13. Q

    Should a Christian person date a person they are not sexually attracted to ?

    Christians date with the intentions of marriage so with that being said should a Christian person date a person they are not sexually attracted to even when they are celibate until marriage. Considering the person has good Godly qualities and they connect
  14. Q

    Is there any scripture that explains why women like men that mistreats them ?

    Most women are repelled by guys that treat them really well even some so called Godly women. I was wondering if there is any Biblical scripture that explains why ?
  15. Q

    Do Christians have to stand with Israel?

    I pray for peace on both sides but I automatically see many Christians choosing to stand with Israel despite their government obvious war crimes and the country’s law against Christians. Is there anywhere in scripture especially in the New Testament where Jesus says we must have support Israel...
  16. Q

    Would you be ok with your daughter getting into a serious relationship with this man ?

    This guy is a new Christian 2 years into the faith but he has a past of being promiscuous and playing with women emotions and being a former criminal that steals and used to be a devil worshiper and be alcoholic. He currently has a deep devotion to the ministry and loves helping the church and...
  17. Q

    Anyone dealing with Bitterness as a Christian?

    Im currently battling with Bitterness im grateful for everything God has blessed me with but there’s something I lack and it’s bothering me. People especially a ill-minded family member often lets me know im lacking in this department and often makes me even more bitter about it. How to deal...
  18. Q

    Who has it harder in the Christian dating world you g Christian men Or young Christian women ?

    I hear many young Christian women say they’re is a low amount of young Christian men in the church these days. I also hear men saying Christian women are more pickier than worldly woman So what do yall think it is ?
  19. Q

    Why wasn’t Balaam surprised when he heard his Donkey talk ?

    Animals don’t talk to humans unless they are birds so why wasn’t Balaam surprised when he heard his donkey speak ?
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    What is the point of marriage besides a family ?

    What is really the point of marriage besides having kids ?