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  1. seeker1999-

    I apologize to you all

    I apologize (intellectually) for playing games with you all. By_the_book told me this in one of the previous forums But I’ve never had that still small voice of the Spirit speak to me to draw me to salvation though. Is it too late?
  2. seeker1999-

    To be honest with you all

    To be honest with you all I have been using these forums playing games instead of legitimate advice. My parents raised me a reprobate unfortunately through the public school system Here’s a sermon on that.
  3. seeker1999-

    Reading Luke 16:23-24

    I am reading Luke 16:23-24 over and over. It doesn’t even phase me. I have no desire for the word at all.
  4. seeker1999-

    I think I may have a mental illness

    I think I may have a mental illness. That may be a reason why I don’t have guilt at all. Still no excuse for the things I have done.
  5. seeker1999-

    How do I look to Jesus?

    As a non believer, how do I look to Jesus? I’ve literally just about tried everything. I know I can’t come to Him on my own. My mind doesn’t want to think about him when I try to think about him.
  6. seeker1999-

    How do I fear God?

    How do I fear God? Honestly? How do I get the fear of God when I’m not a believer? I remember deliberately cursing God’s spirit 6 years ago. Oh what a fool I was. How can I fear God? Make myself fear Him? any advice? How can I fear Him when my conscience is seared beyond recovery? How? Any advice?
  7. seeker1999-

    Writing down in a notebook over and over “Jesus wants to free me from self now stop trying”

    I am starting to write down in a notebook “Jesus wants to free me from self now stop trying” I am probably using this forum as seeking for reassurance (attention) rather than God himself. Honestly my conscience is seared. I get deliberate bad thoughts against God’s spirit and they don’t even...
  8. seeker1999-

    My story in a nutshell

    I’ve heard about God all of my life but never had a drawing to Him. I remember back in 2012 watching several videos about hell and it didn’t even move me. My neighbor even gave me a gospel tract “this was your life” back in the summer of 2012 and it didn’t even move me. I remember back in June...
  9. seeker1999-

    I will try to look to Jesus and not myself

    I have decided that I will try to look to Jesus and not myself despite my conscience being seared badly and the deliberate evil thoughts against God. I have looked to myself my whole life. Time to change that.
  10. seeker1999-

    Goodbye CF

    I HAVE seared my conscience beyond recovery. My conscience doesn’t even bite me. My evil thoughts don’t even bother me. Thank you for all your thoughts and ideas.
  11. seeker1999-

    Unbeliever I’m going through dark night of the soul.

    Hello I am going through a dark night of the soul. I don’t see any hope of salvation. I am seriously doubting those events that I mentioned in my previous threads are ways God is drawing me. When I try to pray I get deliberate evil thoughts against the Holy Spirit. Those are my thoughts, not...
  12. seeker1999-

    Not a believer, I think I committed the unpardonable sin.

    I think I have committed the unpardonable sin. I have no Holy Spirit conviction over my sin. None whatsoever. I do have a little guilt though. I have been actively seeking Christ for a few months now.
  13. seeker1999-

    Is it too late?

    I am thinking that God told a couple people that are praying for me not to pray for me anymore Just like God told Jeremiah not to pray for those people in Jeremiah 7:16. I have been seeking God but Grinding. I think God has hardened my heart. There is such a thing as being too sinful to be saved.
  14. seeker1999-

    Does God love me?

    I am having doubts about this. Here is an article. Did God Hate Esau? Read this article.
  15. seeker1999-

    Seeking God and Divine encounters? (God prompted)

    I live in Kentucky. I started working at my job in June 2018 and starting in January of 2020 a man came up to me out of the blue and told me “Jesus loves you”. And I had a handful of strangers talk to me about Jesus. They brought Him up first. I didn’t. It seems to me with most of those...
  16. seeker1999-


    Hello I am a seeker. Deep down I want to be a true born again Christian. I’ve read verses about Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and Revelation 22 18-19. Those verses deep down scare me.