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  1. D

    I think God punished me like he did David for Bathsheba...

    For the last 7.xx years God has put me in 3 relationships with women who have cheated. The last cheater was for 3 years to the day. I feel like God did that for my previous cheating in past relationships. I am broken. I thought God was merciful and gracious, but he made me to suffer in the same...
  2. D

    Any advice is appreciated...

    I feel lost. I am currently concluding 6 years of bad relationships with Gomers. 3 Gomers over 6 years. The last Gomer was 3 years on and off. Funny, but the last break up was 3 years to the day of when we first got romantic. Hmm...a lot of 3's... **Immediately preceding the first "Gomer", God...
  3. D

    Anyone dream of "guardian" angels?

    Anyone have a dream/vision about a "guardian" angel? What was your experience? I use the term guardian in quotation marks because I don't think they were guarding anything in my experiences. It really seems as if they were assigned to me/my life during a certain time for a certain lesson. For...
  4. D

    Maybe you can hear God for me...

    Hi all! I recently had a dream in response to me asking God how to go about getting the desires in my heart fulfilled that pertain to having a wife and starting a family. In my past, God has often spoken to me through dreams/visions. Usually, I understand as soon as I wake, but this one has me...