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  1. ISteveB

    Trump allowed on Colorado ballot

    Not sure if you saw the news this morning, but scotus is overturning Colorado's ballot restriction on Trump.
  2. ISteveB

    China and North Korea

    China's Xi, in message to N.Korea's Kim, vows cooperation under 'new situation' -KCNA Hi all. Just saw this a few minutes ago on the news.
  3. ISteveB

    for the agnostic.....

    For years we've heard that Huxley said--- It's not likely God can be known. Yet, in Jeremiah 24:7, we read---- I will give them a heart to know me. So..... I have to wonder..... Why would you believe a guy who's been dead now for a good 140 years, when God clearly stated that he will...
  4. ISteveB

    JW Can a JW explain this to me?

    Hi. Many know that JW's are really die-hard about Jesus being a created being, and the NWT stating that the Logos of God is "a" god, and not THE God, YHVH. This is further dealt with in Colossians 1:15. 15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. So.... my...
  5. ISteveB

    sometimes old school is better..... sometimes......

    I'm an old rocker..... At a certain point in my youth I became enchanted by the guitar. during my early years as a believer, I heard about a guy who was a catholic monk, and he happened to have once been a guitarist in a band that wasn't long lived, but it was similar to the band- The Eagles...
  6. ISteveB

    An effectual and aggressive grace

    For decades now I've heard that grace is described as follows G.R.A.C.E. God's Riches At Christ's Expense. God's unmerited favor. And several years ago I heard a guy describe it as follows. This idea of God's unmerited favor gives us the impression that we come to Jesus with empty hands...
  7. ISteveB

    Thinking on pure, true, lovely......

    Ever pay really close attention to Philippians 4:8-9? It's easy to miss it, because we're thinking about Philippians 4:6-7, where we're encouraged to pray about everything, instead of being anxious, and promised that God's Peace will act like a military guard around our hearts and minds.... At...
  8. ISteveB

    Malachi 3:16

    Ever read Malachi 3:16? It's actually pretty cool. Mal 3:16-18 WEB 16 Then those who feared Yahweh spoke one with another; and Yahweh listened, and heard, and a book of memory was written before him, for those who feared Yahweh, and who honored his name. 17 They shall be mine,” says Yahweh of...
  9. ISteveB

    Revelation perspective question....

    I can't specifically place this in one of the subgroups, because it pertains to a general theme or perspective of Revelation. who here views Revelation as solely figurative? Who here views as a combination of figurative, and literal? Has anyone here ever heard that Revelation has over 800...
  10. ISteveB

    Stage 4 metastatic melanoma survivor

    Well.... where to start.... I've been living with my cancer for the past 33 years now. I was stage 1, Clarke-Breslow level 1-4 from 1987 through 1990. I got a biopsy, just prior to my marriage in 1990, and learned in 2000 that I was misdiagnosed. According to other dermatologists (in the early...
  11. ISteveB


    Greetings all. I'm a newbie here, but have been on forums since probably 2000, with the old Netscape boards, and maybe even earlier, with the aol chatrooms, back to 1997-8. let's see.... I'm kinda thinking that I'm burned out with forums, but have been addicted for a long time, so prayer would...