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  1. Lycurgus89

    Does God reveal the whole Truth?

    I didn't see an archive for this question. Can God reveal parts of the Truth a little at a time? For example, telling a little kid the sky is blue, then waiting until he's a little older to explain why. I don't have a problem with that approach to learning. But let's say, salvation. God conceals...
  2. Lycurgus89


    I wanted to reply to this with a question of my own. Genesis 1 and the Garden story get really contentious, its loaded with implications almost like no other book but the Apocalypse. To me, I don't know, I think the universe might be uncreated or created. I've already talked about how awkward...
  3. Lycurgus89

    Jews before Moses: who were they what did they believe?

    Is it true that before Moses, the Jews worshipped Elohim as many gods, or was the worship of only One God present before Moses? When did Jewish polytheism become Monotheism? I had read a theory recently, that ancient historians knew Moses as Osarsef, a rebel from upper Egypt, who freed a bunch...
  4. Lycurgus89


    Last week I was pumping gas and a weird guy with a Washington plate pulled up beside me and begged for cash. He held out his hand with a ring and insisted I take it, that he needs money to tank up. His wife looked embarrassed so I decided to listen, because I could tell something was wrong. He...
  5. Lycurgus89

    Question for Reform Christians

    Is it our faith or God's grace that saves us? I've heard faith alone saves throughout my life, and as long as you have faith in Jesus you are saved, but James in the new testament says that even the demons believe and fear one God. Does this mean that grace is what saves christians from hell...
  6. Lycurgus89

    If God is Eternal

    I get confused when putting new and old testaments together. If God is eternal (so outside of all time and space) how can he be moved to jealousy by affections, or even act in our reality, without becoming temporal and a subject to our world's rules? Polytheism answers this dilemma by making the...
  7. Lycurgus89

    Hi I'm Lycurgus89

    My favorite flavor is mint oreo in the summer. I like ale, I hate beer, and whiskey. I'll never starve because I can cook quesadillas. My favorite music are romantic, power metal, eurobeat, jazz, and whatever this is. My favorite movie of all time is Cabin Boy. Best ova is Gunnm. I still play...
  8. Lycurgus89

    An Outsider's Questions Regarding Orthodox and Latin Churches

    I don't know where else to post this. I have two questions for two different churches. Please split them up and repost them if necessary, moderation. I observed mass at a sspx chapel, since the nearest fssp was 80 miles away and there are no latin mass churches in my vicinity. I'm not any kind...