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  1. Allen of the Cross

    Please pray for my dad

    Hello. Please pray for my dad, his name is Lance. Hes very sick, please pray the Lord will heal him. Thank you.
  2. Allen of the Cross

    Please pray for my mental health

    Please pray for me, I have schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, (which is called schizoaffective disorder,) and my mental health prevents me from praying and worshiping how I want. Please pray the Lord will help me deal with my illnesses and cope, and strengthen me to worship Him. Thank you, have...
  3. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for me pleass

    Pleass pray for me to be a better Christian.
  4. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for me please

    Please pray for me. Pray that I can live a life that will make Jesus as happy as possible. Thank you kindly
  5. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for my dad

    Please pray that my dad will be healed. Hes in a nursing home and I miss him so much. Thank you
  6. Allen of the Cross

    Please pray for my paralyzed dad

    My dad has a disease called CIDP. Its rare - I had never heard of it. Basically his immune system is attacking his nervous system in all 4 limbs. It's possible for him to recover from this, and possible also that he may walk again. So I have hope in prayer. I called him earlier however and he...
  7. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for the Lord's Blessing

    Hello. I want to make the Lord happier and bless His heart more in my calling. Pray the Lord will help me in all ways that He can to do this. Thank you.
  8. Allen of the Cross

    Check out my War Binder :)))

    I made the cover myself :)) the contents are rather private, but I have it divided into two sections: supplication (prayers for myself) and intercession (prayers for others.) I'm having a lot of fun! :)
  9. Allen of the Cross

    I am Barabbas

    I am Barabbas: a rebel, an insurrectionist, a murderer. I was full of hatred and deceit, I was condemned unto death. I was supposed to be killed, bearing the full punishment on a brutal cross, to be scourged and made to drink the cup of the King's wrath. I was a rebel, and was supposed to be...
  10. Allen of the Cross

    Jesus: my Bridegroom!

    Praises to you in public Lord Jesus, My love for You be known! My confessed love shown! Lord GOD Jesus Christ, My husband, my delight! Forever and ever, praises sung, Voices of love in eternal abode! O Bridegroom my joy forever, Jesus my GOD my love eternal! I love You, I love You, I love You...
  11. Allen of the Cross

    There is power in the fear of the Lord, in the Holy Ghost, and in the name of Jesus Christ!

    Brothers and sisters I come to tell you that if you want power, if you want to walk in the power of the Almighty God: if you want power over demons, and freedom from the bondage of sin, you need to fear the Lord Jesus Christ (the Creator and Maker of heaven and earth,) you need to be filled with...
  12. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for me

    Hello everyone. I believe in God's loving kindness, but it's so hard to understand how loving He is. Please pray that I can better understand Christ's love for me. I have schizophrenia and this all gets so confusing, and I get scared often.
  13. Allen of the Cross

    How to pray better for the gospel, missions and missionaries?

    I found this lovely book called Operation World a while back. It's like a prayer guide for all the nations of the earth. I'm just wondering if there are any other great resources to use. I'd like to learn more about missions. Id also appreciate any book recommendations on prayer. Thanks!
  14. Allen of the Cross

    Book recommendations?

    Hello! I'm looking for book recommendations for the subjects of evangelism and also making disciples. Thanks!
  15. Allen of the Cross

    Praise Poetry

    Hello everyone. I want to share with you all some praise poetry I've written for Jesus Christ. I hope you enjoy! Wondrous Lord, O beauty pure and magnificent, Glorious beyond comprehension. Righteous heart of love and kindness, Fiery burning embers of passion Warm the cold hearts of Your...
  16. Allen of the Cross

    Pray for me!

    Hello everyone! I have a very odd request, so do bear with me: I have an idea for how I want to live my life. I want to minister to the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to give Him my everything, and I want to make Him happy, and put Him first above all else. He is my Lord and the love of my life. So...
  17. Allen of the Cross

    I love my family in Christ!

    Hello everyone! I'm looking forward to meeting you all in paradise one day! I look at us all like a big family - we Christians are brothers and sisters, God is our Father, and Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom. It is lovely and I am thankful for all my brothers and sisters. I love you all so much...
  18. Allen of the Cross

    Book recommendations?

    Hello everyone, God bless you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! My mother recently gifted me $50 for Christmas, and I'm looking into buying some books to further my spiritual growth. I am looking for books in these particular areas of interest (though any recommendation is...
  19. Allen of the Cross

    Please pray for my mental health and my relationship with God

    Please pray for my mental health. I have schizophrenia, bipolar, anxiety, and depression. Please pray that God will comfort me and, that if He is willing, I will be healed. Also, pray that God the Father and I can get closer and that the Lord Jesus Christ will draw me into His rich love. Please...
  20. Allen of the Cross

    The Fierce Barren Desert

    Hello! Peace be with you today. This is my latest poem and is a new form of poetry (to me) that I am experimenting with. I'm not sure if it has a name, but I would like to tell a story with my poetry (while at the same time bringing glory to Jesus.) I hope you enjoy this poem. Please do tell...