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  1. J

    Can we talk to our Guardian Angels?

  2. J


    What exactly is the definition of forgiveness? I want to forgive, but I don’t exactly know the actual meaning of it. Does it mean I let go of wanting revenge? Does it mean I do right by them even through they have done wrong to me?
  3. J

    Please pray for hope and encouragement.

    I'm a high school student and yesterday I was told my school would be closed for the rest of the school year. I was very upset because I had prayed and had faith that it would open on it's original opening date when they first closed, which was April 14th. 10th grade had sucked for me a lot and...
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    I’m trying to do what God wants but this situation is greatly stressing me out. What do I do?

    Hello everyone. I am almost 16 years old and I have a friend who is not financially stable. They have been staying with me and my family for over a month now so they and their family can get back on their feet. The thing is, they have a job and makes pretty good money for a teenager. They buy a...
  5. J

    I feel like something is wrong with me, does God care that I’m sad?

    To sum up the reason why I feel the way I do, it’s because I’m always being treated as if I’m beneath someone or not good enough. Some people treat me like absolute garbage and they seem so happy (I know they aren’t always as happy as they seem). I’m in 10th grade so kids my age are already...
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  7. J

    I need help, but all you can do is pray for me. Will you please pray for me?

    I have a problem that is a sin, and it is incredibly hard to overcome. I can go weeks without commiting the sin, but then I'll get right back to it and it's hard for me and I am very ashamed of myself. I have prayed countless times and I still feel like I am left to handle this problem on my...
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    Why was is okay for men to marry multiple women but women couldn’t?

    Genesis 19:6-8, this isn’t really about marriage but I just noticed how lot was willing to give up his daughters like they were nothing, and God didn’t say anything about it. How come it was okay for women to be treated like that. Not to sound rude or anything, but I don’t think it matters what...
  9. J

    I feel stupid for asking God for something I don’t think I need or am ready for, now what?

    Please keep in mind I’m only 15 so I know I’m still sort of naive and have more growing to do. Now the thing that i want is... someone who will be with me like an S/O, but I don’t want to say boyfriend or “relationship” because labels kind of make me feel uncomfortable. I’m not the greatest with...
  10. J

    What was the whole point of my situation if nothing came out of it?

    I will try to keep this as short as possible. Ever since maybe the beginning of December 2018, this boy at school had a slight crush on me, and I as well liked him. I asked God for a sign that maybe I should say hello, or speak to him (not ask out or anything like that). The answer at the time...