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  1. Carl Emerson

    Deut 32:30 Your take on understanding this verse please.

    New American Standard Bible 30 "How could one chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight, Unless their Rock had sold them, And the LORD had given them up?
  2. Carl Emerson

    Eco Church

    Hi Friends, Just interested in you take on the Eco Church which has a central focus on stewarding the environment - growing at pace with climate changing... Is it a distraction when the great commission is our primary task. Did God Himself not turn river waters into blood? Will the earth as...
  3. Carl Emerson

    Forgive them - for they know not what they do...

    Consider the Words of Jesus on the Cross... "Forgive them - for they know not what they do... " Bearing in mind, Jesus in His Perfection could not pray a prayer that the Father would not answer in agreement - the prayer was answered. Who were the 'They' ??? The Romans ? The Jews ? All of...
  4. Carl Emerson

    Contemplating death...

    Hi Folks, As we age we consider end of life matters more seriously. Recently I have come to understand a foundational truth that helps to put death into perspective. I have come to realise that when God created man He designed them to be fit for purpose - and that purpose was to be eternally...
  5. Carl Emerson

    Hosting non-believing partners

    Hey - for years we have made the stand that un married folks stay in separate rooms in our house. I assume this might be considered extreme and 'forcing morality' on others. Your thoughts ???
  6. Carl Emerson

    Easter reflection on John 13 and 14

    John 13 I note that Jesus was passing on last important principles as His ministry was coming to a close. Jesus knew He had all sufficiency in the Father and had nothing to gain by effort or esteem. So he proceeded to pass on to His future leaders the foundation for their coming ministry - to...
  7. Carl Emerson

    Avoiding Mammon.

    In this age more than any other, enabled by the internet and social media, commercialism has huge control over lives and news is sensational first - to sell. This seems to produce in many an addiction for hype. Can I suggest this is, for a believer, very important to avoid. As we are...
  8. Carl Emerson

    God's power in this age.

    Friends, I have been active here for 10 years and one issue stands out from the rest. Due to the lack of evidence of the miraculous in the church there are strong temptations to interpret scripture in such a way as to teach a season of diminished activity from the Holy Spirit. This assumption...
  9. Carl Emerson

    Mary and the early Church

    Friends I am interested in why Mary the Mother of Jesus hardly gets a mention by Paul and didn't seem to have a significant role in the early church. These are the three verses with the name Mary - some of which may be referring to others. Acts 1:14 All these were continually devoting...
  10. Carl Emerson

    Ex. Terrorist on fire for Jesus starts Church in Germany

    Radical conversion in prison... Check him out !!!
  11. Carl Emerson

    Question on the Eucharist...

    Hi there, Just pondering on a matter that is worthy of discussion. I understand that a lamb offered as a sacrifice for sin, under the Law, was then consumed. The partaking in the body and blood of Jesus was first shared with Jesus by the disciples before His sacrificial death on the Cross...
  12. Carl Emerson


    Is it ever righteous for believers to hate the Jews?
  13. Carl Emerson

    Should believers learn to communicate with the indwelling Christ ?

    What is the role of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Is He given to us as a teacher and a guide? Can we reasonably learn to hear His voice of counsel? Is He only active when we read the bible? Does He want to guide us on the best path as we walk in the way?
  14. Carl Emerson

    Help with Ex 34:6-8

    Friends - Does this principle apply to believers in the New Covenant - please give Scriptural support for you understanding. Exodus 34 6 Then the Lord passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in faithfulness and...
  15. Carl Emerson

    Hamas wage war on Christmas

    Please consider to watch this important analysis of the current events surrounding Bethlehem and world wide protests against Christmas.
  16. Carl Emerson

    Is the Godhead gender neutral?

    Just wondering if those who advocate tolerance for same sex relationships partly support their position by viewing God as genderless?
  17. Carl Emerson

    Christmas Question

    When the Magi followed the Star signifying the birth of a King - did this indicate astrology is to be embraced by believers?
  18. Carl Emerson

    Jordan Peterson

    Hi There, I notice Dr. Jordan Peterson is getting a lot of air time. My concern is that he not only has some appeal among the intellectual elite but from many in the body of Christ also. I am not convinced that he has moved on from his Jungian philosophical base which is subtly deceptive and...
  19. Carl Emerson

    Chat GPT's authors

    So I asked Chat GPT to name the persons responsible for creating the programme. I was told that this was classified information. Now I maintain that ethically the authors should be named given that they exurt enormous influence in society and in the way humanity thinks.. Your thoughts?
  20. Carl Emerson

    Was God's choosing Israel an act of aparteid...

    It seems that the thinking of the modern world, is that God favouring one nation over another is somehow immoral. Under the divided attitudes among Christians runs the demand that all men are equal and all nations are equal before God. This is not the revealed viewpoint we read in Scripture...