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    Rampant profanity

    I am annoyed at the rampant profanity in our culture. People I would otherwise enjoy listening to grate on my moral sensibilities. Some of them I listen to anyway.
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    That funny photo

    The one currently in the news of two people who no longer fit into their clothing. I think the photo is funny in the context of the story of behind what prompted it. I don't find it to be horribly immoral. Falwell Taking Leave From Liberty University Amid Photo Uproar
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    Young earth creationism objections

    As a young earth creationist Christian, I of course assume that all of biological life was planned and engineered by an infinitely intelligent designer (the God of the Bible). I'm wondering how us Christians can answer the following objections often presented by critics? I have not heard answers...
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    Evolution proves Young Earth Creationism

    Evolution proves Young Earth Creationism Here's the argument: Assuming old earth implies something like evolution. Obviously, evolution requires Intelligent Design. Randomness can't design complex biological organisms. Digging down in cell biology and quantum mechanics, there is no mechanism...
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    Should young earth creationism be taught in Christian schools?

    Should young earth creationism be taught in Christian schools? Or the more general questions: Should society disallow the teaching of certain things in schools even though they are true? If so, what kinds of subjects should be disallowed? Who decides on behalf of society what to allow or...
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    The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God

    The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God. Christians agree the Bible is inspired. But I wonder about the other two words (inerrant, infallible). Are both needed? Do they mean the same thing? I tend to think all three terms are needed.
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    Evolution requires intelligent design

    Evolution requires intelligent design. The fine-tuning of the fundamental constants of nature allow for the existence of chemical biological life of the kind we have on earth. This means, if you can somehow construct these living systems, the laws of physics allows for it. But I'm starting to...
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    Christians hoping for global disaster?

    Christians hoping for global disaster? In talking with my fellow Christians, I notice a disturbing trend. Many seem to be hoping for global disaster to occur soon so they can be raptured. Am I misunderstanding something? Am I wrong to be deeply disturbed by this kind of thinking?
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    Miracles at the quantum mechanics level

    Miracles at the quantum mechanics level The quantum mechanics wave function collapse is totally random. A simplified example: An electron has no position, only the probability of manifesting in various locations based on its wave function. When it interacts with another particle, the wave...
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    The scientific method is itself outside of the material universe

    The scientific method is itself outside of the material universe Modern science must assume: There are rational human observers capable of observing phenomena, forming hypotheses and theories, and accepting them as true knowledge. Philosophy provides the scientific theory which is guaranteed...
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    Did God program the universe then start it running?

    Did God program the universe then start it running? To generate chemical biological life on its own using the physical laws? Did God stop intervening after this? Is pain and suffering and evil caused by mindless randomness? Including mental disorders.
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    Materialistic atheists are not really materialists

    Materialistic atheists are not really materialists I am speaking in generalities; not all believe what I claim... Materialistic atheistic scientists claim the physical material universe is all that exists. Yet they violate this claim in various ways: That the natural laws were different...
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    What do Christians agree on?

    What do Christians agree on? The things all Christians have in common: Believe Nicene Creed Accept the canon of scripture (with minor variations) Believe the Trinity The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible word of God Believe there are spiritual beings both good and bad Believe sin...
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    No such thing as emergent properties

    No such thing as emergent properties An example often given of an emergent property is the surface tension of water. But this is merely a consequence of the difference in electrostatic forces in the water molecules at the surface and those underneath. There is no natural law or natural force of...
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    Proof against flat earth

    Proof against flat earth There is a very simple proof against flat earth I've never heard anyone mention. According to flat earth: The sun is small and close to the earth It never goes below the horizon As it gets farther away just before night falls, it gets smaller and smaller just like a...
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    How to prove Christianity for those who never heard of it?

    How to prove Christianity for those who never heard of it? You can't use the Bible until you prove the Bible. You can't invoke common sense because the gospel seems like "foolishness". (1 Corinthians 1:18) (1 Corinthians 1:23) Archaeology doesn't work because mainstream archeology doesn't agree...
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    Evolution via random mutations is impossible

    Evolution via random mutations is impossible I am unconvinced by explanations of how random mutations operating with natural selection can account for the complexity of chemical biological life. The basic answer I encounter is that calculating the probability is too complex, and so it is merely...
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    Why do atheists post on ChristianForums?

    Why do atheists post on ChristianForums? It doesn't seem to me they enjoy bantering with Christians who never accept any of their assertions and who probably never will.
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    Can human interpretations of the word of God be in error?

    Christians commonly say the word of God is true and it never changes. This is true. But then they espouse their particular doctrines which collide with those of others. How can we know whether our particular interpretations are true without falling back on the idiotic statement: "God said it...
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    Does science change?

    I all-too-often encounter the idea that science is untrustworthy because it changes, and only the Bible is trustworthy because it doesn't change. It seems some people think science is in constant flux and each new observation or experiment or hypothesis or theory completely invalidates...