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  1. N

    I need some help with my friends

    So I go to a Christian private school and I've been going since kindergarten. I love my school and I am truly blessed to go to my school. I really decided to become a Christian last year. I mean I always was a Christian but I decided to take it seriously and stop using it as an excuse to judge...
  2. N

    Doubts about whether I'm truly saved or not

    so I'm sure everyone is aware of the hurricanes happening down south in America and the devastation that's left from everything else along with future events like tsunamis. I overhead classmates talking about the second coming of Christ as all the hurricanes and things may relate to...
  3. N

    Questions about a form of OCD

    So my friend told me that he has a form of OCD called hocd which apparently makes people afraid that they might be gay even though they know that they are not gay. Today I heard something saying that homosexuality is not the same as being gay. They say that being gay is accepting homosexuality...
  4. N

    Is this gossip?

    So I recently became a christian and one thing i always did was gossip and since becoming a christian I've tried to stop gossiping. My cousin and I like to make movies, and we usually spend a long time working on a script. We are working on a batman movie script and when I asked him how it was...
  5. N

    How do I keep God first in my life?

    Four months ago I decided that the way I was living my life just wasn't working out. I had found out that I had OCD, and I was trying to get over a life ruled by sexual immorality. It has been hard trying to keep God first but very recently I realized that I am losing the motivation to keep God...
  6. N

    Focused more on comics than God?

    I want to start this off by saying that I love comic books, I read them, and I collect them. Sometimes I get caught up reading Batman more than my Bible. I read my Bible before I go to bed and I am careful not to get to addicted to comics, but sometimes its just too hard. I feel like every time...
  7. N

    Fear that I'm not where I want to be in Christ

    Hi, this is my first time ever posting on a forum, but I just wanted to ask about what I am going through and see if anyone has gone through anything similar. Also, I apologize in advance for poor grammar structure or if I continue to ramble on. I recently decided to take my faith seriously, and...