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  1. Brotherly Spirit

    Finding or choosing a local church (long read)

    After a few years I think it's been, I've personally began my walk with God. But it has been me reading the Bible and coming online here for what worship and fellowship that's possible. I'll admit I have a long way to go and probably won't ever know for certain if my beliefs are accurate. But...
  2. Brotherly Spirit

    Endurance of faith and spirit

    The week yesterday started somewhat challenging. It was a busy day that was difficult as I felt tired and rushed. Few moments, or more, I could feel myself slipping and cracking under the pressure of life's daily struggles. I did my best to handle it and seek the Lord for comfort and peace I...
  3. Brotherly Spirit

    Life's journey

    The Lord doesn't get enough praise, well not from me. Though life is a difficult existence for us, the alternative is death or a lifeless thing. Thankfully Jesus came to me and God raised me from my spiritual death being a lifeless man. But it does show the role of death in creation, being...
  4. Brotherly Spirit

    Man's division and God's unity

    Are hypocrisy, judgment, and condemnation the cause of divisons? Jesus said not to lord authority over one another to the disciples. Also he said where two, three or more of them in agreement he would be there. In the Gospel there's more sayings of his about judgment like taking the plank out of...
  5. Brotherly Spirit

    Salt and Iodine

    Not sure how long ago, I think couple to few weeks possibly. But I had realized I was getting too much salt or least more then recommended. Yet it was told to me if I didn't eat enough as I was cutting salt, I wouldn't get enough iodine. The following article and other online sites explained...
  6. Brotherly Spirit

    Question about Isa. 7:14 and Matt. 1:23

    All of Isaiah 7:14 seems to be fulfilled except the last part " and they shall call his name Immanuel (Emmanuel)". Additionally the next verse "Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse evil and choose the good." But it also says what was prophesied would be a "sign" from the...
  7. Brotherly Spirit

    To overcome weekly struggles

    This week was a struggle mentally and emotionally. Few moments I stumbled not keeping the faith. Either when alone I got frustrated and angry or with my mom on the phone. I won't get too personal about it, except it was a long busy week and I was tired lacking patience. But hopefully all the...
  8. Brotherly Spirit

    Exodus 32, 34, and James 2: Moses broke the Ten Commandments

    After the children of Israel had Aaron make them a golden calf, Moses had come down from the mountain. When he was up there with the Lord, he had pleaded mercy for them. But then he had also expressed disapproval of what the children of Israel had done. A major part of it was throwing the tables...
  9. Brotherly Spirit

    Psalm 32 - Fully Forgiven

    Here's an adaption of Psalms 32 by Steve Bell, also a short story before about his father and him. Enjoy! :)
  10. Brotherly Spirit

    The fear and love of God

    Considering the Jews until Christ and the Gentiles who were brought to him. One had the law of Moses being under it, but the other didn't and wasn't under the law. This would make sense of what seems as if two different teachings or Gospels were taught, one by Jesus and the other by the Paul...
  11. Brotherly Spirit

    The Lord Jesus Christ

    Your name has been my rock, whenever I hear or see it my heart is pulled to you. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving your life to us. Though my thoughts and emotions are roller-coasters going up and down, you're Gospel always grounds me in spirit and truth. I hope all the love you've given me is...
  12. Brotherly Spirit

    Judgment and Fruitfulness (Matthew 7)

    This week I've had the struggle of which direction as a Christian I should go. Not always doctrinal, little things or habits in daily life. But today as usual the Lord is my rock in all things as he is in all life. I read Matthew 7 with discernment in mind and the following is my thoughts, some...
  13. Brotherly Spirit

    Proverbs 18 and the Church

    "A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire, he rages against all wise judgment. A fool has no delight in understanding, but in expressing his own heart." Proverbs 18:1-2 I've been thinking about the divisions of the Church. How it's difficult for believers to know where they're to go. But...
  14. Brotherly Spirit

    Idolatry of gods or Glorification of God

    After reading Exodus 32 my mind went to how it's a thin line between idolatry and glorification. It's easy to misunderstand the context of God's commandments, or lose patience in what was instructed and taught accordingly. The gradual seeping of one's own desire or preference as a replacement...
  15. Brotherly Spirit


    Warning it's my first video attempting to sing Psalm 29. I felt it would be worth trying to share in the singing for the Lord. Hopefully it least inspires y'all to do the same, even privately. :)
  16. Brotherly Spirit

    Faith, Works, and Fulfillment

    When reading the Bible or even hearing parts from it, there's a context we must understand for the truth. Else we're lost in our own or other's misunderstanding. So let's put faith, works, and fulfillment into context. In Matthew 9:13, Jesus' response to the Pharisees criticizing him for eating...
  17. Brotherly Spirit

    Life's curveballs

    Not easy trying to live like the Lord every day. Soon as I awake I'm hoping for the best, but some days things and people chip away at me. Not any fault or blame, it's just the normal happenings of one's surroundings. But I'm needing the Lord to keep in me God's spirit to remain hopeful...
  18. Brotherly Spirit

    Psalms 104 sung in ancient Hebrew

    It has English subtitles to read as it's sung. The music has a special sound to it, first I heard anything like it. The band is Yamma Ensembles who play Global Hebrew and Jewish music. Here's the whole of Psalm 104 for personal reading and singing. Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 104 - New King...
  19. Brotherly Spirit

    John chapter 2: Foreshadowing and Fulfilling

    It's an interesting chapter to read and consider. You can take a few things from it. Which is true from all the scriptures. Which is probably why we have many interpretations. Originally what I thought was how modest Jesus was when he turned the water into wine, but how zealous he was when he...