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  1. friend of

    Many reasons why the COVID vaccines are NOT the Mark of the Beast

    I am making this thread in order to get feedback and collect my thoughts. My intention is to turn it into a video. Thanks for participating. Hello, my name is Taylor and I've been a Christian since December 8th 2016. I don't usually make videos and I'm making this one from my phone so please...
  2. friend of

    Man who attacked Pelosi's husband sentenced to 30 years SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The man convicted of attempting to kidnap then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and attacking her husband with a hammer was...
  3. friend of

    If we don’t suffer, how is God supposed to sympathize with us?

    Open question. If we don’t suffer, how is God supposed to sympathize with us?
  4. friend of

    Many Reasons why the COVID vax is not the Mark of the Beast

    I am making this thread in order to get feedback and collect my thoughts. My intention is to turn it into a video. Thanks for participating. Hello, my name is Taylor and I've been a Christian since December 8th 2016. I don't usually make videos and I'm making this one from my phone so please...
  5. friend of

    Major contradiction: John 2 versus Matthew 4

    In John 1 Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist. In John 2 however, it shows Jesus attending the wedding at Galilie with his followers apparently. where he makes all that wine form water. He also says that His time has not yet come in response to His mother, but apparently he had some disciples...
  6. friend of

    Does Satan really need God's permission before doing (literally) anything and everything?

    Is it true that Satan must ask God's permission for every single little thing and temptation he desires to foist upon God's children and creation writ large? Or does God give him a certain latitude that he may creatively unleash hell on us, but only to a certain point, like a dog with a shock...
  7. friend of

    Is acupuncture a sin?

    I was wondering if I should go for a traditional oriental acupuncture session for the health of my body. Is it permissible for Christians to receive acupuncture or is it New Agey and demonic like Chakras and Kundili and such?
  8. friend of

    Democratic mayors renew pleas for federal help and coordination with Texas over migrant crisis

    So let me get this straight. Liberal democrats want more immigration, but when they get it, they complain and ask for assistance from the federal government. But they want more illegal immigration anyway, despite the fact that the issues with unfettered immigration are obvious and they...
  9. friend of

    Books on the Bolshevik Rebolution?

    I'm looking for some good knowledgeable books on the Bolshevik Revolution. Any suggestions?
  10. friend of

    Why Old Earth creationism doesn't work

    OE creationism doesn't work because if OE was in fact the case then you'd have to admit that the devil and his fallen angels and demons are all billions of years old. Would God really allow his nemesis to live for billions of years? I don't think so. And what would the devil have been doing...
  11. friend of

    Christian dating apps/sites

    So I'm single and have been for 7 years. I haven't really been pursuing a relationship with anybody because I have been focused on work and such. But now I feel like I need to find someone. I'm 33 and I've yet to have a serious long term relationship with anyone. I have virtually no friends and...
  12. friend of

    Christian dating apps/sites?

    So I'm single and have been for 7 years. I haven't really been pursuing a relationship with anybody because I have been focused on work and such. But now I feel like I need to find someone. I'm 33 and I've yet to have a serious long term relationship with anyone. I have virtually no friends and...
  13. friend of

    The great falling away?

    In a 2020 survey by the Pew Research Center, 65% of adults in the United States identified themselves as Christians. They were 75% in 2015 81.6% in 2001, and 85% in 1990. Why is God allofasudden electing fewer people to believe on Christ? I'll tell you why. It's because people have become too...
  14. friend of

    Naturopathy vs. Witchcraft

    I was just wondering where the line is drawn between natural remedies found in nature vs. witchcraft pracitices. — As Halloween rolls around, people begin to dress up, and one of the cliché costumes is the witch. Even one of the Peanuts gang dressed as a witch in their popular holiday special...
  15. friend of

    Why was the Jewish controlled media so against Trump?

    I'm posting this in the conspiracy board even though the media is largely owned by biological Jews and that's a fact. It would probably end up here anyway, so I might as well post here. Biological Jews own the vast majority of legacy main stream media (MSM) in America. They dominate the...
  16. friend of

    Immediately after death

    I believe God's Spirit revealed something to me just now, about where people go after they die. There are verses that say we go to Abraham's bosom or some other waiting place (like Sheol) as we await resurrection, but I believe that was the old order of things, before Christ resurrected. Jesus...
  17. friend of

    Prayers for a Christian rehab program

    So my home church is connected with a real, strong, authentic Christian-based rehabilitation program that houses over 100 men at a time, many of whom are addicts from off the street and out of prison in some cases. This program has been around for years and I can personally attest by my slight...
  18. friend of

    Pray for me to be bold

    I feel recently that I need to acknowledge Jesus before others more. Like just random people. Scripture says those who acknowledge Jesus before others will be acknowledged by Him when He comes. That's all i want anyway, just to be acknowledged (owned) by Christ. Pray for me please ty
  19. friend of

    Martyrdom or Soul winning? What pleases Jesus more?

    I believe those who are truly great will have known to of been great soul winners on earth. Precious in the sight of God is the death of His servants. Martyrdom for the Lord is a great thing as well. But if I had to pick which one pleased God most I would go with Soul winning. Because filling up...
  20. friend of

    Now the real fight begins [1 John 5:18]

    For we know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him Before i became a Christian the devil had me right where he wanted me. A hapless drunk living for my addiction. But then Christ entered my life and taught...