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  1. Chriliman

    The inevitability of everlasting experience

    I recently thought of this argument for eternal or everlasting experience and wanted to get feedback. It’s not necessarily arguing that you will have everlasting experience, though that’s possible, it’s more so arguing that a being must exist that will have everlasting experience. P1: Reality...
  2. Chriliman

    Abortion to prevent increased suffering

    Let’s only consider the abortions where the early zygote, that isn’t conscious and can’t feel anything, isn’t wanted for whatever reason. Assuming they’ll go to heaven in some capacity, why would it be better to take them full term just to be put into foster care and possibly suffer...
  3. Chriliman

    Should countries love their enemies?

    If so, how could Ukraine love its enemies at this time?
  4. Chriliman


    What say you? Interesting videos on the subject here.
  5. Chriliman

    What’s wrong with this argument?

    1. If we can at least define God as truth in love 2. And we can say we’ve experienced truth in love 3. Then we can say we’ve experienced God 4. Therefore, God exists What’s wrong with this? One issue I see is whether a definition of a thing and experiencing that thing is enough to conclude...
  6. Chriliman

    Voter fraud claims

    This video goes over apparent proof that those claiming voter fraud have come forth with. Is any of this worth serious consideration? Or is it all just a complex fabrication? Should we ever be concerned that the truth could be buried under massive complexity? Absolute Proof
  7. Chriliman

    Preventing false information

    If you had the ability to prevent false information that could cause unnecessary harm from coming out, should you? Why or why not?
  8. Chriliman

    Free Speech

    Does free speech include the right to spread falsehood? If so, why? If not, what’s the punishment for doing so? For the sake of argument let’s assume whatever falsehood is being spread can indeed be proven false.
  9. Chriliman

    Free Speech

    Does free speech include the right to spread falsehood? If so, why? If not, what’s the punishment for doing so? For the sake of argument let’s assume whatever falsehood is being spread can indeed be proven false.
  10. Chriliman

    Human trafficking news

    What do you all think of this recent news? Call it conspiracy if you want, but theres way too many coincidences to simply shrug it off as that right away. Look into it if you have the time. More stats about human trafficking here: Valerie Cover I copied and pasted the links here incase you...
  11. Chriliman

    Eternal reality or not?

    I’ve heard it argued that if reality is eternal then now would never come, but couldn’t it be the opposite? If reality is eternal then now is inevitable. If you support either position, please explain why you think it’s plausible.
  12. Chriliman

    Does energy need space to exist?

    Does energy need space to exist? If so then does that mean space can neither be created or destroyed?
  13. Chriliman

    Understanding Objective Morality

    I want to use the term “objective” in the sense that the reality of a thing is there whether you like it or not. Let’s consider Jane. Jane wondered across some land and decided to live there and farm it. She never purchased the land and has never considered whether it’s right or wrong to farm...
  14. Chriliman

    Explain the difference

    Can someone explain the difference between spiritual health and mental health? I recently had the thought that they’re one in the same, but I’m not certain.
  15. Chriliman

    what’s nature progressing towards?

    Nature has a tendency to be efficient. Do you think it’s possible for nature and life to reach a point of 100% efficiency were there’s no waist and no decay/death? Or are these things part of how nature/life is already 100% efficient? Maybe another way to pose the question is if it’s possible...
  16. Chriliman

    Fallen Angels

    Is there anywhere in scripture that might suggest that Fallen Angles are the first cause of evil and possibly the reason our universe is such a mixed bag of life and death?
  17. Chriliman

    Was life inevitable?

    Fascinating video on the nature of reality and how life as we know it was probably inevitable.
  18. Chriliman

    Could the quantum field have no cause?

    This question is for those of you who have an adequate understanding of what the quantum field is. For those who don't, here's an interesting lecture about it. If you don't want to watch the video I'll briefly explain that the quantum field is understood to be the fundamental, non-material...
  19. Chriliman

    Thought provoking video.

    Thought provoking video.