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  1. R

    New to the club

    My husband died of cancer 1 week ago. What do I do now? He was only 57. We were married over 20 years, together almost 22 years.
  2. R

    What are your thoughts on this? Pieper and Henderson: 10 reasons you can’t be a Christian and vote for Donald Trump 1. He lacks compassion. The Bible says: “As God’s chosen ones...
  3. R

    US Evangelicals vs. the rest of the world

    I thought this was rather interesting. From the article: Only in the United States is climate change a controversial and politicized issue. Evangelicals in 129 countries support...
  4. R

    Thought this was interesting Maybe that's what I've been doing wrong all these years!
  5. R


    Please take the time to read the transcript linked below...
  6. R

    Family Values?
  7. R


    Maine boots thousands off of food stamps for not having jobs that don't exist And it's a good thing to cut SNAP? It's a good thing to let people go hungry in the richest country in the world? Why?
  8. R

    Dear Church, Here’s Why People Are REALLY Leaving You

    Interesting article... Dear Church, Here's Why People Are REALLY Leaving You let's discuss...
  9. R

    Relief at Separation?

    Am I the only one who is relieved to be separated? My marriage was an abusive, violent, emotionally crushing mess. We're separated now and I finally feel relieved. I'm glad to have the peaceful home I've wanted. I'm enjoying the solitude and not having to walk on eggshells, waiting for the next...
  10. R

    Could use advice please

    Hello all...I could use some advice. In a nutshell...married almost 16 years, no kids. My husband has never been able to control himself, temper tantrums, throwing things, throwing punches. The one time I attempted to defend myself, he called the cops and told them I hit him, then told his...