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  1. sunshineforJesus

    Please pray for me and my family.

    Everyone in my house is sick,My mom has sinusitis,I have a sinus infection and worst of all my Dad just found out he is possitive for Covid. Tomorrow Im being tested for corona and my mom is also. My brother so far isnt sick at all. Oh we also found out some really sad news today,My brothers...
  2. sunshineforJesus

    Storm protection

    I heard its supposed to be really windy on Christmas eve and there is a chance we could lose power for several days.Can you please pray we wont as it will surely ruin Christmas? Ok maybe it wont ruin Christmas but it would really stink it we did.Thanks so much and God bless.
  3. sunshineforJesus

    Good news

    I just wanted to let you all know my friend who had previously blocked me from facebook for bugging her,has decided to give me another chance and unblocked me yesterday. I really do want to do better so will you pray I can do so? I still sent her that easter card with an apology note in it and...
  4. sunshineforJesus

    Friendship advice

    Hi I was wondering if I can have some advice about something.Last night I was getting impatient with a friend of mine bugging her to chat with me even though she wasnt in the mood. When she left for a few minutes to do something I got impatient and called her on messenger a couple times since I...
  5. sunshineforJesus

    I need some advice.

    As I shared in another thread Jesus has set me free from thinking Negative thoughts about myself! Its so awesome as I was struggling with this issue for yrs! However even so I am still struggling with self esteem issues,as I find myself wondering at times why people like me. I dont understand...
  6. sunshineforJesus

    How to tell you are growing

    I was wondering since I really do want to grow in the Lord more,How can you tell that you are indeed growing in the Lord? I have been trying to like I said but still find myself slipping up plenty getting impatient with others,complaining about things,and being prideful at times too. I love...
  7. sunshineforJesus

    Can you all pray for me?

    Can you all pray for me to find direction in my life and know what else is in store for me to do with my time? For a long while I was babysitting my friends kids,but now dont need to anymore and miss it. I know there has to be something more for me to do than just stay home mostly and only work...
  8. sunshineforJesus

    Whys it so tough to always turn to Jesus first

    Today I was feeling really lonely and kept turning to my friends online to talk to.One of my dear friends pointed out that I need to turn to Jesus,and draw so close to him he is so real I wont ever feel alone.I know she is right and do feel convicted to do so. Im just wondering why its so tough...
  9. sunshineforJesus

    Can you all keep me in prayer?

    Tomorrow I gotta go to a dermatologist since I have a weird lump on my face.Can you please all pray its nothing serious?
  10. sunshineforJesus

    Ouch,I have a literal pain in the neck.

    Three weeks ago I got sick with Bronchitis,and was getting better finally after two weeks,but for the last week I've been having sinus/allergy issues and my sinuses are actually causing my neck to be stiff.I guess its from swollen lymphnodes or something,and sinus spray and tylenol do help but...
  11. sunshineforJesus

    Curious about something

    Lately my Android Tablet has been doing this weird thing where it says charging over U S B,instead of a c like its supposed to. Im not using the charger it came with as that one quit working after a while,but did buy a replacement one from walmart a few months ago which up until recently worked...
  12. sunshineforJesus

    Ouch,Carpal tunnel

    For a while now my carpal tunnel has been bugging me more since I've gotten hooked on playing mahjong.If I play too long my hand swells up but always stopped hurting after a while. I've been playing less and only play video games for an hr,or hr and a half. Anyways I always woke up fine the next...
  13. sunshineforJesus


    My computer is in the shop so I've been going on Christian forums with my tablet.The problem is it won't keep me logged In,and keeps telling me wrong password,even though I always use the same one. After trying and it failing to recognize my password,I have to reset it and it's getting to be...
  14. sunshineforJesus

    seeing yourself through Gods eyes.

    Why is it so hard to see yourself through Gods eyes,to believe the good about you and to know who you are in Christ? I don't know about any of you guys but I have such a hard time with that.Is there any way I can get past it?
  15. sunshineforJesus

    How will I know when Im free from the hurt?

    Last summer me and a friend got in a really big fight. I'll admit I did alot of damage by gossiping about her and complaining how mean she was to me. I believe she really was mean to me. I have tried apologizing to her but she doesnt want to hear it.She says she accepts my apology but never...
  16. sunshineforJesus

    worried about being lonely

  17. sunshineforJesus

    worried about being lonely

    One of my good church friends is moving Away to guam for a couple yrs. She is one of the only church friends I have who hangs out with me outside church.I'm worried when she leaves I won't have anyone to hang out with. Does anyone have any advice for me?
  18. sunshineforJesus

    Can you all please keep my mom in prayer?

    My mom broke her wrist back in december,and had surgery for it. Her wrist is healing nicely but lately her fingers have been stiffer than ever, and her fingers crack when she moves them.She is really worried she is going to be crippled and is worried about if she cannot go back to work. She has...
  19. sunshineforJesus

    Have you ever? (3)

    yup have you?
  20. sunshineforJesus

    Please pray for my mom

    Can you all please pray for my mom? She fell while rollerskating and thinks she broke her wrist,It cracked when she fell and she cannot move her fingers. She is in the hospital right now. Thanks and God bless you all.