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    Tornado in Didsbury, Alberta, Canada

    July 1, 2023, five homes (including two farms) were destroyed and several houses were damaged by a tornado in Didsbury, Alberta, Canada. While there were no human deaths, a number of livestock were killed. Please pray for the families that were affected by this.
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    Fears of playing musical instruments

    I think this is the right forum... I know I had a few tunes posted on the forums with my music, but I've since deleted them as best I could. I did this because they were instrumentals. Genesis 4 tells us that the father of all who play stringed instruments and pipes is Jubal, son of Lamech...
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    Am I guilty of covetousness?

    I've been reading a number of Christian books and they've said "Covetousness is wanting what you don't have." I'm in the final stages of buying a house; a house I did not have before. Did I covet that house? Some years ago, I purchased a car, as I did not have a running vehicle. Does that...
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    Little comic

    Full-sized image
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    Honest question of 1 Timothy 2:11-12

    Doesn't that mean that women sin when they sing hymns in church, or hymns that have the Alto and Soprano parts (which are women's voices) are in that regard heretical?
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    Oddball Albums?

    How many of you have an album you have never seen anywhere else? I have the soundtrack to Animalympics, a few Mousetrap CDs, and Cheesewagon by Twisted (a band from Fort McMurray).
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    Where in the bible are these?!

    From another website I found the following: The mismatched fabrics? The closest I can find is Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:11, which says "Do not wear wool and linen together". But where does it say (or does it at all) this was worthy of execution? Second, well I know Christ warned of...
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    Question about seminaries

    When one graduates from a Christian seminary, is that person automatically an ordained minister, or is there more that needs to be done?