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  1. H

    Well I went to another Church

    I think I just got bad luck or maybe its because of my mental illness but I think I should stay away from Churches for a while. What happened was I went twice to this church and the first time I saw the pastor give a message on worship, which was good because I need help with that because I...
  2. H

    Can somebody fix my profile

    It should say I am a christian and I dont know why it dont. Apparently I cant fix it or know how to fix it. I cant post in any of the other places until its fixed
  3. H

    Isaiah 17:1

    Well sorry if I am late to the party I have not been paying very good attention to the news. Also apparently I dont have any privledges to post anywhere on this website so I guess I will just post it here. Hopefully somebody will see it and answer my question or maybe I will ask somewhere else...
  4. H

    Well its been a long time since I was here

    I used to come here a long time ago but everytime I try to get closer to God I have a manic episode where I think I am some sort of biblical figure and go off the rails for a month or so then I fear trying to get close to Him again for fear I will have that happen to me again. I tried to go to...
  5. H


    Well I talked to a disability attorney because there is no way I can hold a job with going manic and being delusional for a month or two at a time. It seems employers frown upon that sort of thing. Also because my health isn't the greatest. Anyway she said I am doing everything right except that...
  6. H

    Ok that rips it, exhortation

    I wasn't going to say nothing but after this morning I cant keep silent no more. People may wonder why it is I don't want to go to Church and after what I saw on TV this morning I don't think anyone can blame me. This really made me angry. This preacher is on TV right now and he is talking...
  7. H

    Salvation assured?

    Hi I am sorry for all the posts but I have been listening to more sermons and it struck a nerve again. One of the people they mentioned in the sermon sounded a lot like my story so I got a little worried. Ok maybe a little backstory is in order. After my moms murder when I was 10, I walked the...
  8. H

    Forgiving the unforgivable?

    I am still taking stock of my life and I have a few questions about forgiveness. I am not talking about the small things like getting slighted by someone, I am talking about the big, life altering things. I will give an example. Ok when I was 10, a man beat my mother to death and then shot her...
  9. H

    Spiritual Gifts?

    Hi sorry for the second post in two days. I guess I am sort of trying to take inventory of my life and deciding what to keep and what to dismiss as bipolar disorder. I would have posted this in the forum for spiritual gifts but I don't seem to have privileges there. I am not sure if I did...
  10. H

    Diabetic kidney disease

    Well it took them almost a year to get me into a nephrologist and apparently I have Diabetic nephropathy. Anyway they took a bunch of tests and I got the results of them. I don't know what they mean though. I contacted the Drs office via their website and its been weeks and he never got back to...
  11. H

    Bipolar Disorder and Christians

    Well I got upset again yesterday. I had thought that God wanted me to take a direction in my life but now I realize that I am just confused again. I had a dream and thought maybe He was trying to tell me something but now I realize that's not what it was at all. This is so difficult, and...
  12. H

    Some questions

    Hi, I hope its ok to ask questions even if your not Jewish. What I want to know is if you all know of any websites that explain things like Messianic Jewish customs and practices for dummies? Since I am a Christian I don't really know anything about this stuff but I think I might need to know it...
  13. H

    One more question

    never mind
  14. H

    Hi I havent been here in a while

    Never mind
  15. H

    How I am doing

    Guess no one cared. I am out of here.
  16. H

    Stuff I learned (From a baby Christian)

  17. H

    Anyone else feel this way? Warning Christmas buzz kill

    I am really starting to hate this time of the year. I guess the more I learn about the Bible the less I like Christmas. It just seems so wrong to me. I got to thinking about what Christmas is supposed to celebrate, its basically supposed to be a birthday party for Jesus. So basically we are...
  18. H

    I dont know what to make of this

    I am not sure why I want to post this. I guess it’s because I feel like something is going on that’s beyond my control. This will probably be long but I will do my best to make sense of it all. As most of you probably already know my husband had an affair. It was the 2nd one that he...
  19. H

    Depression setting in

    Guess with every up there's the down. I have been so happy and now I am just depressed. I don't think I understand God very well sometimes. I thought I knew what He wanted for me but now I know that was wrong. Anyway anyone ever get confused about what Gods plan is? I was wrong and now I am...
  20. H

    Strange feelings

    I had the weirdest thing happen. I think I am needing to dial back the welbutrin when I go to my doctors appointment. I could have swore someone I knew from a long time ago on a totally different site was here. Cant be possible. Maybe I should call the doctor sooner than later.