Search results

  1. FireDragon76

    Our church just got that much smaller

    Today at church, our pastor told us that one of our readers, Shirley, has gone to be with the Lord. Our church is getting smaller and smaller. I think this is the lot many mainline Protestant churches. We've only had two other person join the church in the past year, and several inquirers...
  2. FireDragon76

    Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has passed away at 53

    Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has passed away from cancer at the relatively young age of 53: If you are of a certain generation, this guy was iconic. Even greater than Michael Moore, IMO, in terms of...
  3. FireDragon76

    IQ among Americans is falling

    IQ scores among Americans are falling. The evidence seems to be that it is due to environmental changes, possibly due to social media consumption and screen time:
  4. FireDragon76

    The Problem of Ecocide

    According to the late medieval historian Lynn white, Christianity is largely responsible for environmental destruction associated with the spread of western culture. What's noteworthy about Lynn White, besides being a medieval historian (and not an Earth scientist), he was also a devout...
  5. FireDragon76


    There's an indie film that's out called Christspiracy, about the historical Jesus and his real motivations for cleansing the temple. It has some interviews with biblical scholars like James Tabor, who argues that Jesus cleansed the temple because he was opposed to the sacrifices there, and that...
  6. FireDragon76

    Fitness fad from East Asia

    There's a fitness fad in east Asia, especially among older people, called Slow Jogging. It's jogging that is done very slowly, around a fast walking pace. Target heart rate is around 114 for somebody my age (138 - half your age is the target heart rate), with a cadence of around 180 bpm. It...
  7. FireDragon76

    VO2Max step test

    This is a simple, slightly less demanding VO2Max test that anybody can do that has a step stool, a heart rate sensor (fitness tracker, smart watch, etc.), or a metronome. These types of tests correlate with a VO2Max treadmill test very well, being on average only 3 points higher. One thing I...
  8. FireDragon76

    More accurate VO2Max cycling calculator

    I found a more accurate VO2Max cycling calculator, using an exercise bike. You peddle for six minutes after a brief warmup, maintaining a heart rate of between 127-172 beats per minute. Trained individuals should use 100-200 watts as the target power output. Untrained individuals should use...
  9. FireDragon76

    US Surgeon General discusses loneliness as a public health problem

    Surgeon General Vivek Murthy discusses the epidemic of loneliness in the US, and it's impacts on health. This is the first time I've really listened to Vivek Murthy. I am impressed by the holistic vision he brings. We haven't had a surgeon general like him, since perhaps C. Everett Koop...
  10. FireDragon76

    Mainline Protestant churches are dying

    Today was the day this really hit home to me. Our pastor was injured in a fall and is in recovery. So we had a substitute pastor, a retired UCC pastor come to preach. His sermon just seemed like the typical liberal mainline Protestant stuff I grew up with in the United Methodist church...
  11. FireDragon76

    Prayer for pastor

    For my friends on the forum, a prayer request: The pastor at our church, First UCC of Orlando, the reverend Lynn Blevins, has been hurt in a fall and has a broken pelvis. She is in the hospital. She is elderly and it will take months for her to recover.
  12. FireDragon76

    A strange experience after church at a supermarket.

    Last Sunday, on New Years Eve, my S.O. played the piano at church and she is going to become the official organist after our current organist retires and goes back to the Carolinas to be closer to family. After church we went to the grocery store, and we split up and I was sent to the milk...
  13. FireDragon76

    Inflammation driving disease

    A discussion with Dr. Tim Spector, a British genetic epidemiologist at King's College, and Dr. Will Will Bulsiewicz, a gastroenterologist, about how the gut microbiome influences inflammation in the body. I had fairly severe IBS years ago, I couldn't tolerate fiber but was still having less...
  14. FireDragon76

    Joining local UCC

    This January I will be joining First United Church of Christ of Orlando, Florida. So I'll probably be the only member of the UCC on this forum.
  15. FireDragon76

    Weight loss coach explains reality of low carb dieting

    Richa Prasad has a great channel of diet tips that are science based. She's been helpful in helping me understand phenomena like weight loss plateaus, and how sometimes you need to eat more to lose weight. In this video, she explains how low carb diets actually work, and what parts are only...
  16. FireDragon76

    You can't outrun a bad diet: constrained model of exercise

    Here Dr. Muhammed Alo, a cardiologist and personal trainer, discusses the constrained model of exercise, and why exercise cannot contribute a substantial amount to weight loss. Once you get past a moderate level of activity, the more you exercise, the more your body reduces non-exercise caloric...
  17. FireDragon76

    By 2030, half of US adults will be obese

    By 2030, half of US adults will be obese: I am surprised this isn't something I've ever heard any politicians talking about in the US. Anybody who has tried to lose weight knows it can be...
  18. FireDragon76

    A simple way to estimate body fat

    This is a simple tool to estimate body fat that I have come across. It was developed for the US Navy and is used by the US Navy and Marines in evaluating recruits and active-duty personnel for physical fitness. It is accurate to within 1-3% in the vast majority of cases. All you need is a...
  19. FireDragon76

    The Twilight Zone

    Anybody else a fan of this TV series? I became curious about the background of the creator of this series, Rod Serling, since many of the episodes he wrote had moral or religious themes. It turns out he was a Jew who converted to Unitarianism at a time when church membership was normative in...
  20. FireDragon76

    Large storm hits Mediterranean

    A large storm hit the Mediterranean recently. Wind speends reached almost 60 miles per hour. That's almost hurricane strength. Libyan has had alot of flooding, as the rains caused dams to be breached. The storm also resulted in heavy rain, record flooding, and numerous deaths in Greece...