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  1. keras

    Prepare the Way for My People

    Isaiah 57:1-2 The righteous perish and no one is concerned, those loyal to their faith are persecuted; they achieve peace at last on their deathbed. Isaiah 57:3-11 Come near, you children of sin; spawn of a lie. You practice idolatry, desert your Maker and make bargains with men. You don’t...
  2. keras

    Blind guides and deluded followers

    Isaiah 9:16-19 Those who guide My people have led them astray and those who follow them are deluded. Therefore the Lord will show no mercy to the youths or pity the widows and fatherless. They are a nation of godless evildoers, everyone speaks impiety. For all this, His anger has not abated...
  3. keras

    The Israelites and the Law

    The ten Northern tribes of Israel were exiled from their Land because they did not keep the Laws, as given to them through Moses. At present, in their dispersion, it is not a requirement that they keep the whole Law, only at least the ten Commandments. Hosea 9:1-7, Deuteronomy 28:64 Prophecy...
  4. keras

    The Coming Day of Terror and Disaster

    Jeremiah 17:5-6 The Lord says: A curse upon anyone who trusts in mortals or expects help from fellow mankind, while their heart is far from their God and Maker. They will be like a lonely tree in the salt lands, when good comes, they will be unaware of it. Psalms 146:3-4, Isaiah 2:22 Jeremiah...
  5. keras

    He who Scattered Israel, will Gather them

    He who scattered Israel, will gather them Jeremiah 31:10 The House of Israel [the Northern 10 tribes] then the House of Judah [the Jewish people] were sent into exile because of their sins and the Lord “hid His face from them’. Deuteronomy 31:17-18, Ezekiel 20:23 However, this ‘hiding of His...
  6. keras

    Retribution for enemies, Restoration for the Faithful

    Amos 5:4-9 These are the Words of the Lord to the people of Israel: Seek the Lord, if you want to live, or He will sweep through Joseph’s descendants like a fire with no one to quench it. The people of Israel: Not only the Jewish Israelis, but all the Israelites by faith, the overcomers for...
  7. keras

    Jacob you Worm. Israel you Maggot

    The prophet Isaiah, who lived in Jerusalem in the eighth century BCE, gives us strength from the distance of generations: "Fear not, O worm Jacob, O men of Israel: I will help you —declares God—I your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel" (Isiah 41:14). There is a tradition in our ancient sources...
  8. keras

    Who can believe this?

    Habakkuk 1:5 Look around you among the nations, see there a sight that will utterly astound you, you will not believe it when you are told of what is being done in your days. Habakkuk 1:6-11 goes on to say how the Babylonians were appointed to execute judgement against the House of Judah, but...
  9. keras

    1 Thess 5:3 is coming soon

    An Israeli source confirmed Thursday that the Biden administration was currently working on a regional grand bargain that comprises several tenets aimed at long-term stability as part of a post-war reality. Apart from ending the current hostilities in Gaza it also envisions, normalization...
  10. keras

    Israel and Judah

    ISRAEL AND JUDAH – not rejoined as yet. The Bible has over 160 instances in the same verse, where Israel and Judah are mentioned as different, separate entities. It’s clear that they are not to be rejoined until after the Middle East is cleared and His people are regathered, judged and settled...
  11. keras

    Our Prayer for Today

    Psalms 74:1 God, why have You cast us off? And is it forever? Psalm 74:2 Remember Your people – redeemed to be your own tribe. Remember Mt Zion, which You made to be Your dwelling place. Psalm 74:3 Restore now what damage Your enemies have done to Your sanctuary. Psalm 74:4 Your enemies...
  12. keras

    Until a Spirit from on High comes Upon Us.

    Isaiah 32:1-8 A ruler and his ministers will reign in righteousness and justice, they will be as a refuge from a storm, like shade from a great rock in a thirsty land. Jeremiah 3:5, Jeremiah 30:21, Hosea 1:11 Then, those who see, will see clearly and the minds of the heedless people will come to...
  13. keras

    The Alternative to a Rapture

    Firstly; the general definition of a ‘rapture’, means being taken to live in heaven. This is believed by many, to happen before the Lord punishes the world and destroys His enemies. But scripture does not clearly say that anyone will be taken to heaven, excepting for the two Witnesses...
  14. keras

    Remember the Appointed Day

    Ecclesiasticus 36:1-17 Look on us with pity, Lord God of all and strike fear into every nation. Lift Your hand against the heathen and let them see Your power. Let them learn the truth, that there is no God but You, the Creator of all things. Renew Your signs, repeat Your miracles and win glory...
  15. keras

    God has no Favourites

    Multitudes of people throughout the world await the Glorious Return of Jesus to reign as King of the world. Many others doubt this and would like to eliminate the possibility, because they do not want to face the consequences. Belief in the reality of Christ’s Return and His Kingdom, as against...
  16. keras

    Promises to His People

    Jeremiah 30:23-24 See what a fiery wind has gone out from the Lord. A whirlwind that sweeps around the heads of the wicked, the Lord’s anger is not to be turned aside until He has fully accomplished His purpose. Jeremiah 30:4-7 This is what the Lord says to Israel and Judah: We have heard a cry...
  17. keras

    Christian Gedge

    Many here will remember Christian Gedge. He was a faithful and active man in spreading the Gospel. We miss him. He had prostate cancer. I never met him personally, but did suggest it as he lived about 2 hours drive from where I live in New Zealand. We did have quite differing ideas on Bible...
  18. keras

    The Anti-Christ

    Nahum 1:1-14 An oracle of the Lord against His enemies. The Lord is a jealous and avenging God. He directs His wrath against those who refuse Him. The Lord is slow to anger and of great power. He will not let the guilty go unpunished. He causes droughts and earthquakes. Who can stand before His...
  19. keras

    Malachi; a Prophet for the end times

    Malachi 1:2-5 I have shown you love, but you ask: How have You shown love to us? The Lord answers: Jacob, [Israel] I love, but Esau, [Edom] I hate. Edom is a people of wickedness, a people with whom the Lord is angry forever. I have reduced his ancestral lands to desert pastures. Your own eyes...
  20. keras

    Let the Wise Consider These Things

    Hosea 1:10-11 The Israelites will be as countless as the sands of the sea. The time will come when it will no longer be said of them; ‘You are not My people’, and they will be called ‘Children of the Living God’. The people of Judah and Israel will be reunited and will choose for themselves one...