Search results

  1. Augustinosia

    Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) reposed in the Lord today

    Article: ROCOR First Hierarch Hilarion Dies - Priest - UrduPoint May his memory be eternal:praying::crosseo:
  2. Augustinosia

    Canons and akathists - how to incorporate into your prayer life?

    Hi there, I've been curious about akathists and canons contained in some Orthodox prayer books, and when/how they are incorporated into your personal prayer rule. I've been Orthodox for a few years (chrismated in an Antiochian parish, now going to a Greek parish) but it's never been explained...
  3. Augustinosia

    Can monastics eat meat/raise animals for meat?

    Are Orthodox monastics always vegetarian? Are there any prohibitions against monastics raising livestock for meat, pelts (or any other product that comes from a dead animal)? Thanks :)
  4. Augustinosia

    "self-saboteurs" anonymous program?

    Hi, I was wondering if there is a 12-step program that deals specifically with: procrastination, avoiding people and social situations, using internet as an "escape" from unpleasant/disliked responsibilities, negative thinking/mentally beating yourself up and other self-sabotaging behaviors...
  5. Augustinosia

    "Celtic Catholic" icon?

    Hi, what does the "Celtic Catholic" icon stand for :confused: Does it stand for a particular Christian Church, or is it a broader label of identification? Thanks! :)
  6. Augustinosia

    I have a date! :)

    Dear friends, The time is at hand...I will be received into Christ's Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church by chrismation on Friday 28 June 2013 (New Zealand time)! :clap: It has been an amazing, wonderful journey, and I can't believe the moment is almost here! :swoon: Please pray for me...
  7. Augustinosia

    Calling Wes/Tornadoes in Granbury TX, multiple fatalities

    GRANBURY, Texas: Officials: 'Multiple fatalities' in Texas tornado - Nation Wires - Just heard on the news. Lord have mercy :crosseo: Wes, are you and your mom okay? Please let us know when you have a chance. Deborah
  8. Augustinosia

    Now I've seen everything...

    I've seen Orthodox Church boats, trains and buses, but this takes the cake... Pretty cool though :cool:
  9. Augustinosia

    What sort of catechesis did you go through?

    Hi there, I was wondering if people could share stories of what sort of catechesis they received prior to being received into the Orthodox Church, especially if you could not attend services often due to distance or other reasons. Thanks. :) Deborah
  10. Augustinosia

    First confession?

    What does preparation for a first confession, then the actual confession itself involve? How much detail do you go into during confession? How do you know you're truly repentant of what you're confessing? What if afterwards, you remember a glaring sin that should've been aired at your...
  11. Augustinosia

    Preparation for communion?

    hello, Within the Anglican/Episcopalian tradition, is there any formal or recognised process of preparation for communion (self-examination, confession, fasting, etc), so as to partake in a worthy manner (c.f. 1 Cor 11:27-32)? Thanks! Deborah