Search results

  1. ratchet30

    If I Became An ELCA Member...

    would I be expected to fully believe in Luther's small catechism? I take up issue with baptismal regeneration and literal Christ's body and blood in with and under the elements. Otherwise I do believe baptism and the Lord's supper is very important and relevant in our walk with Christ. I can...
  2. ratchet30

    Baptismal Regeneration & Election

    Hello again, :) my next concern is, when you baptize an infant does it mean each one is saved? From what I understand unconditional election has God saving people according to His own will and timing. It seems not all infants will be saved at baptism, perhaps some at a later time in life. So...
  3. ratchet30

    Faith in Baptism

    Would you say that someone who puts their faith in their baptism for salvation is going to hell?
  4. ratchet30

    Scottish Presbyterianism

    What Presbyterian denominations in Scotland are considered conservative biblical bodies?
  5. ratchet30

    Physical Presence/Ascension

    Lutherans believe Jesus ascended physically into heaven and Angel's said He would return in like manner but yet you guys believe in His physical presence in the Supper. How does that work?
  6. ratchet30

    Lord's Supper Question

    According to the old covenant the consumption of human flesh and blood was prohibited. How can Lutherans say that Jesus' literal body and blood are in the elements? There are many passages in the bible that are meant to be symbolic such as Jesus is the door or chief cornerstone, etc.
  7. ratchet30

    Charismatic Gifts

    Do the mennonites and other anabaptists believe the gifts of tongues, interpretation Of tongues, gifts of healing, word of knowledge and prophecy can be practiced today?
  8. ratchet30

    Prayer Results Experience

    Hellos, I wonder if you lutherans have experienced answered prayer? Did you feel closer to God when you prayed regularly? Do you use prayer books as well?
  9. ratchet30

    LCMS View on Eschatology

    Hello, what is the LCMS view of the end times? I understand they are amillenial but what do they expect to happen between now and the Lord's return? Where do they see Israel in prophecy? I'm looking for a fuller understanding of what to expect from here on out.
  10. ratchet30

    Anabaptist Study Bibles

    Hello, I was interested in buying a new study bible but which ones would you say are anabaptist in nature, such as teachings in the footnotes, etc? I'm thinking the king james or new king james would be most appropriate. What say ye? :D
  11. ratchet30

    Don't know what to do

    I have been tempted these days to try hooking up. You see I've been praying to God for a wife but the thing is I am unable to make a big income and still live with my folks. Yet so many christian women at my age must have had many men and I don't want such a woman. I'm trying to keep lust in...
  12. ratchet30

    Question on baptism

    Hello folks, I understand lutherans believe God chooses whom He will save and draws us to Him so does that still mean that every infant baptized will be saved? i believe lutherans believe that the Holy Spirit will work faith in the infant at baptism, correct?
  13. ratchet30


    I see many twenty somethings in church Sunday morning but where do they usually congregate during the week? I don't see them at Wed. night Bible study. I want to hang out more with people my age and perhaps get a girlfriend to. :D
  14. ratchet30


    I have a student Loan that's at risk of being defaulted. I'm looking for a job and I think my college may be able to help it get deferred. My Requests are: for my student loan to be deferred a job grow in my walk in Christ
  15. ratchet30


    Does anyone know of any websites where I can get good, accurate pentecostal sermon audios? Perhaps you could list some of your favorite websites concerning pentecostal theology?
  16. ratchet30

    Which Bible Version/Entire Sanctification

    Which Bible version do you use as your primary one and secondary one? I'm using the NIV and I don't intend to do in depth studies for now so I hope its a good one? Also, who here believes in entire sanctification? If so could you provide scripture to prove it? I can't accept it since we all...
  17. ratchet30

    Does the Bible really Change People's Lives

    How much Bible reading is required to see changes?
  18. ratchet30

    Questions concerning the gifts

    I'm praying for the gift of healing. How long does it take for the typical gifted healer to receive the gift? How I would I know I received that or any other gift? Do healers just heal left and right or just when they feel moved by the spirit? Also, I know of someone who has cast off/out demons...
  19. ratchet30

    Church of God International

    Anyone here a member of the church of god internationl? Are they just like the AoG? Also does CoG practice the gifts more than the AoG? What else should I know about the CoG from your experiences? On a side note, which pentecostal study bible do you think is best?
  20. ratchet30

    Assemblies of God

    I am interested in the AOG pentacostal church and I have a few questions. Do they believe in eternal security? do YOU believe that tongues must accompany baptism in the holy spirit? Are the AOGs much different from a decade or 2 ago (a friend told me his church doesn't do healings and others...