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  1. ChiRho


    A place of education for me and Ms. Rose (and anyone else iambic-ly challenged). Perhaps those who understand the finer intracasies of the art of verse (ahem, Bridget), can elaborate and teach us to appreciate poetic art a bit more.
  2. ChiRho

    Wise Advice to heed...

    On marital disintegration Being privy to a relationship or three which appear to be foundering - or have already sunk into the depths - there's a few common themes I've noted. Perhaps the most important is that while both sexes are more than a little confused about their roles, it's the wives...
  3. ChiRho


    If I remember correctly, I do believe atleast one frequent reader of this congregational forum, TCCL, is involved in the legal field (yes, Flip, I mean you). Well, I have a question, but first allow me to paint an accurate picture of the situation: My girlfriend currently works for the...
  4. ChiRho

    Are we subcontracting the RED CROSS to do our work?

    Christianforums has thought it appropriate to provide a large link to the Red Cross on it's homepage. At quick glance, one commends them for wanting to help the victims of Katrina. But after a few seconds, I recognized the horrible reality. The Red Cross, and not Christian churches, are...
  5. ChiRho

    A sad, yet sobering dose of Fred...

    A Dismal Reality It Wasn't Supposed To Be This Way September 7. 2005 I was traveling in China when pictures of the looters in New Orleans began to appear on CNN. They were black of course. Looting and raping and burning are what blacks do when the lid loosens. Yes, I could phrase...
  6. ChiRho

    Are we subcontracting the RED CROSS to do our work?

    Christianforums has thought it appropriate to provide a large link to the Red Cross on it's homepage. At quick glance, one commends them for wanting to help the victims of Katrina. But after a few seconds, I recognized the horrible reality. The Red Cross, and not Christian churches, are...
  7. ChiRho

    Went to a Roman Catholic College yesterday...

    and the Art Department was filled with pictures promoting diversity and ecumenicity. On one wall were some pictures celebrating the local Buddhist monestary. Puzzled, I approached and read the captions. " can see their devotion to God on their face as they pray before a decorated...
  8. ChiRho

    Guns are good...

    From the Chicago Tribune: After reading this, can anyone seriously argue against the second amendment?
  9. ChiRho

    Something exciting...

    to come. Sorry.
  10. ChiRho

    Veil removed...

    Click for veil removal
  11. ChiRho

    Anyone interested in Fantasy Football?

    Currently I have a league with some team slots available. Send me a pm. Oh, it's free with a custom T-shirt to the victor. ChiRho (Commissioner)
  12. ChiRho

    Why women's rights are wrong...

    Why women's rights are wrong Posted: August 8, 2005 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2005 The greatest media scribe of these latter days, Bill Simmons, is known for a certain pithy mantra. "The lesson, as always: Women ruin everything." While one does not usually expect to...
  13. ChiRho

    Heads we win, tails you lose

    Heads we win, tails you lose Yet another government theft is justified: In a twist on this summer's Supreme Court decision allowing a Connecticut city to seize private land and turn it over to developers, a New Jersey appeals panel has OK'd the taking of property from developers to...
  14. ChiRho

    Fort Wayne...

    Fort Wayne is a boring, dumpy city. Warning! Heavy Midwestern Hillbilly Inflection Approaching: 'Dis here triple-river-city just dont seem ta hav'da right genes to be anythang udder'dan downright virulent. The city's (county's) road infrastructure is of the worst quality (design and...
  15. ChiRho

    Recht said it the best...

    Does it get any better than this?
  16. ChiRho

    Sad Independence Day...

    What independence? Posted: July 4, 2005 1:00 a.m. Eastern Vox Day © 2005 According to the Columbia professor being interviewed on National Public Radio this weekend, freedom is an amorphous concept that is primarily a state of mind. This would appear to be at...
  17. ChiRho

    Homeland Security?

    Well, it's not like he had a gun...
  18. ChiRho

    Back in the USSA...

    The Great Leap Backward Vox Day Posted: June 27, 2005 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2005 It is time to change the national anthem. The land is no longer free. Last week, in an appalling decision that will prove to be every bit as infamous as the Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade...
  19. ChiRho

    Danhead or any other tech-brain...

    What do you do when the viruses or malware/spyware/adware are not allowing your anti-spyware to do their job? I have ran them in Safe mode (Avast/Ad-Aware/MS Beta Ant-Spyware/Spybot) and the trojans still remain.
  20. ChiRho

    I pledge allegiance to...

    my browser, which is...? Just curious. Also, why do you prefer your browser?