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  1. F

    Born Again

    Born Again Wars and rumors of wars all around when will this war within my heart cease to pound with want from earthquakes which move my feet onto the next desire until it leaves me desolate in the silence of death leaving it behind like the man who stored up goods in his barn for...
  2. F

    Progressive or Liberal Churches near Austin, TX?

    I am seeking to attend a progressive or liberal church near Austin, TX. I currently live in Round Rock, and need to find a place I to attend. Thanks.
  3. F

    Reconciling Evolution with the Bible

    Without simplistic answers such as, "Genesis is meant to be taken literal," how do you reconcile Genesis with Evolution? I have many obstacles preventing me from full fledged Christianity, and this is a prominent one. I am involved with science heavily and I do not see evolution as a...
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    Fear of Repentance and Believing

    Please pray for me. I have intuitively felt that God exists for sometime, and was even religious for a number of years. However, many things drove me away. My life has bettered since leaving religion, truthfully. However, I have this tugging in my soul trying to yank be back to faith. But... I...
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    I need guidance from a "mature" Christian.

    Hello everyone, It's been awhile since I've been here. A lot of faces I recognize, many a don't. I need help with life issues. I am not looking for a response that doesn't take into consideration people involved in my life and the life/well-being of myself. That is, the issues I am...
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    Bye CF.

    I have decided to stay away from these forums. Since I have stepped away from debating, I have seen these forums do not contain the fruits of Christ. I am commanded to fear false teachers, which are known by their barren fruits. The attitude of many on here is a testimony against them. If...
  7. F

    how can i call myself a christian?

    I have useless entertainments: television, books, laptop, dvd, bluray. I have clothes, enough for the week. I have a car. I have a apartment. A couch, a bed, blankets, towels, dishes, etc. So much nice stuff made in the hands of the poor. I watch DVDs instead of serving others. I have hot...
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    A question ond freed will theology

    Please note, I say freed will, not free, in order to avoid the pelagian view. That is, I'm posting this for those who believe our will was freed by Christ. My question is not to debate, so please, everyone, refrain from debates. What I am asking for is a philosophical and logical answer...
  9. F

    sooo I'm married.

    And have been married for 1 week and 1 day.
  10. F

    "How can I unless someone explain it to me?"

    The quote I cited is a paraphrase of the Eunuch in Acts whom Philip witnessed to. The Eunuch was reading through Isaiah and Philip asked him, "Do you understand what you are reading?" The Eunuch thus responded, "How can I unless someone explain it to me?" My thoughts began to ponder over this...
  11. F

    How do we become humble in heart?

    We are told to humble ourselves. However, isn't this the opposite of humility? Isn't dependence on ourselves, pride? Anyways, recently I've been discovering that God gives grace, but this grace, though undeserved, is given to those who act in a certain manner. One of these manners is...
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    Two questions on James

    1) James 4:5 ("Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us), where is James quoting from? 2) How do the double-minded purify their hearts (James 4:8)?
  13. F

    Too high of standards?

    Why does it seem like some Christians seem to imply other Christians have too high of standards when it comes to holiness? It seems like if anyone says, "Yeah, but Christ said this, Paul said that, and I fail to live that way," someone comes along and says, "Yeah, but God knows we're human. It's...
  14. F

    Why don't the people who helped Christ know they helped him?

    Matthew 25 31When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33And he...
  15. F

    Why don't the people who helped Christ know they helped him?

    Matthew 25 31When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33And he...
  16. F

    What is the sorrow of the world & godly sorrow? What are they not? What differences?

    2 Cor 7:10 For godly sorrow works repentance to salvation not to be regretted: but the sorrow of the world works death. 1) What is godly sorrow? 2) What does it mean by "regretted?" 3) Why is godly sorrow not regretted? 4) What is the sorrow of the world? 5) If the sorrow of the...
  17. F

    What is the sorrow of the world & godly sorrow? What are they not? What differences?

    2 Cor 7:10 For godly sorrow works repentance to salvation not to be regretted: but the sorrow of the world works death. 1) What is godly sorrow? 2) What does it mean by "regretted?" 3) Why is godly sorrow not regretted? 4) What is the sorrow of the world? 5) If the sorrow of the world...
  18. F

    My eternal conundrum

    I'm sure many know, I have been having issues regarding my salvation. I'm working on the beginning on the 3rd year of my severe doubting. I've come to the point where I realized something. I do not, to a large degree, care about holiness. Let me clarify myself before you assume too much. I...
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    My eternal conundrum

    I'm sure many know, I have been having issues regarding my salvation. I'm working on the beginning on the 3rd year of my severe doubting. I've come to the point where I realized something. I do not, to a large degree, care about holiness. Let me clarify myself before you assume too much. I...
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    Is there a book with the collected statements from Church councils over the years?

    I.E. Council of Nicea, Orange, etc. is there a book that has these all compiled into one? I am assuming someone will give me a link to a Catechism book, but I want the actually writings of the Councils themselves. For example: Historic Church Documents at