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  1. Kattylove

    ABCs of animals(3)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "ABCs of animals(2)"
  2. Kattylove

    Is it not an obvious fact about being gay that...

    You have absolutely no say in the matter at all? To those of you who define yourselves as straight: do you have any control over this whatsoever, or is it the way that God made you? Was there some point in your life where you decided to be straight? Have you had the option to be emotionally (or...
  3. Kattylove

    Did the Holy Spirit abandon me in my dream?

    Well, it was more of a nightmare, really. Basically, throughout the dream I was being hunted by a murderer, who killed my friend, stabbed me in the back, and killed another friend's dad. At the climax of the dream I stabbed the murderer in the chest with his own knife, twice, and hard. Then I...
  4. Kattylove

    Carrier bag charges.

    What do you guys think about this? I work in a big chain store part-time and we've just started charging 1p per bag - and I can tell you, it's been the stressiest couple of shifts of my working life so far. People just hate it. Well, you know what? I hate their moaning. :P
  5. Kattylove

    God has given me a sign tonight - in the form of lightning, no less.

    Forgive me, this will be badly worded. Hopefully you'll be able to feel the magnitude of what has happened to me over the last few hours; I felt compelled to come here and share it with you all. I was watching a film with my brother in my bedroom when there was a flash of brightest blue. I had...
  6. Kattylove

    Mamma Mia!

    I know this film isn't out in the States for a few days but it's been released in quite a few European countries now, including the UK, where I live. Without going into too much detail and spoiling it, let me just say that this was hands down the happiest, most uplifting, most fun movie I've...
  7. Kattylove

    Mark 3:28-30

    I was reading my Bible this morning and I came across this passage: I might be missing something obvious, and this may be a stupid question, but I'll go ahead anyway because I do need clarification. What I'm wondering about is the precise definition of "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" -...
  8. Kattylove

    The Nature of the Universe, as Created by God.

    Right. So the fact that evil exists is explained away by the fact that good couldn't exist without being the opposite of evil. People can choose to reject God, because the choice has to exist for people to choose to accept God. Therefore, God is loving and wants people to be free of sin, but the...
  9. Kattylove

    Why the 'obsession' with homosexuality?

    'Obsession' in quote marks because I don't want to cause offence. Sorry to start yet another homosexuality thread on this board! I'm genuinely looking for an explanation here, not just trying to anger the "phobes" as they are so lovingly called. Basically, I just can't see the Biblical support...
  10. Kattylove

    The Happening

    This was on general release on Friday. Who's seen it? I went on opening night with my boyfriend, and I'm not sure what to think. Overall, I wasn't too happy considering the quality of M. Night Shyamalan's work in the past. However, it does have some truly horrifying moments in my...
  11. Kattylove

    ABCs of animals(2)

  12. Kattylove

    Well, hello there!

    Greetings one and all! I'm Kathryn (a.k.a. Katty), I'm 17 and I live in England. My interests range from politics and journalism to films, music and art. When I'm older, I'd like a job at the UN, something else international, or to work as a journalist. I've been a Christian for a little over a...