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  1. Z

    Is French Kissing a Mortal Sin?

    The reason I ask is that one of my ex-boyfriends found out that french kissing is a mortal sin at a chastity talk. He told me that we may not be able to kiss ever again if God didn't approve. At the time it was really hurtful and I wasn't sure how to deal with it. Eventually, after talking to...
  2. Z

    The Clan of the Cave Bear

    Has anyone else read these books by Jean M. Auel? They are the best series of books I have ever read and I would love to discuss them with others who liked them. :thumbsup:
  3. Z

    Cooking Mama! for the DS

    I was just wondering if there was anyone else out there who likes this game, because it is one of the best I have ever bought! I just beat it (technically) and I still love going back over and doing recipes again and again. Please if there is someone else who likes this game let me know! We...
  4. Z

    Hi I'm new and I'm a little nervous...

    Hi, I was searching through sites like this and this one seemed the nicest so I joined. I'm agnostic and I'm a little nervous that that will work against me when meeting people, especially since this is a Christian site. There are some aspects of religion I don't agree with and some that I...