Search results

  1. durangodawood

    New MLB all time batting average leader

    Its Josh Gibson, now that Negro League stats have been merged into MLB stats generally. At .372 he edges out Ty Cobb's .367 I know, I know... its lefty CNN. But this really has happened.
  2. durangodawood

    A new Apple ad is sparking backlash from viewers who say it hits the wrong note

    New Apple ad shows various creative tools, and prominently, musical instruments, getting smooshed in a hydraulic press..... into an iPad. Apparently, people are a bit revolted. It echoes the current concern of AI replacing human creativity in many domains.... and more generally, the...
  3. durangodawood

    OJ Simpson dead

    Im not proud to say it, but for some reason I remember where I was when the "Bronco chase" was broadcast. What a horrible case. And man. I totally think he did it. But also I understand how there was room for reasonable doubt in a black jurors mind given demonstrated racist behavior of some...
  4. durangodawood

    Move Pres Election Day to Feb 29?

    Why the heckness do we vote on a workday in November? Lets change it to a day that most of us can have off and it wont affect year over year economic productivity! What day is that? Feb 29 obviously. Some might say its dumb to have it in winter. But winter aint what it used to be.... and...
  5. durangodawood

    Is the Super Bowl Rigged for a KC Win to Amplify Taylor Swift's Upcoming Biden Endorsement?

    Apparently, FOX "news" has been airing out this notion. Is there anything to it? As much as I recoil from young men bashing their brains out for our entertainment, I still kind of want my Niners to win, so really I hope not. What do you think? Taylor Swift At The Super Bowl: The Conspiracy...
  6. durangodawood

    How unlikely is it that Russia transfers a nuclear weapon to Iran?

    With the dissolution of the Iran no nukes treaty Russia can now transfer missile and associated tech to its ally Iran. See this article: Russia says it need no longer obey UN restriction on missile technology for Iran So I wonder, could this go a lot further and wind up with a nuclear bomb...
  7. durangodawood

    Why do we have mini-sombreros today?

    Why? Just why?
  8. durangodawood

    Why do we have green hats?

    Why do our avatars have green hats today? They look a bit Bavarian. Have we entered the pre-Octoberfest season?
  9. durangodawood

    US tourists stay in Eiffel Tower overnight while drunk

    The one thing I dont understand is: "paid to scale" the tower. Like climbers with ropes (at 10:40pm on Sunday)??? Or does that just mean taking the elevator like I did years ago? Regardless, tourists are making some bad headlines lately. US tourists stay in Eiffel Tower overnight while drunk...
  10. durangodawood

    Pro DeSantis Super PAC AI-fakes Trump's Voice In Ad

    Trump wrote it. But he never said it. Yet here we have audio of "Trump" making this pronouncement thanks to the pro DeSantis super pac. This is not to beat up on DeSantis (though that may be perfectly justified). Its more about how we deal with this generally, as we're guaranteed to see this...
  11. durangodawood

    Sinéad O'Connor, gone at age 56

    Such a great artist. She became prominent covering that Prince song, but I always appreciated her own songs more. Sinéad O'Connor obituary: A talent beyond compare
  12. durangodawood

    TikTok Banned in MT

    Pro: Tik Tok is way too close to the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party govt - who I rather abhor - and they can use it to vacuum up all kinds of data to who knows what ends. Pro: Tik Tok sucks up the lives of our young people in algorithmically driven addiction. Con: Free speech and...
  13. durangodawood

    Israel Is In a Turmoil

    Israel is in a turmoil as the governing right wing coalition wants to limit judicial review of proposed laws. I'm surprised these events have gone under the radar here. Maybe Christians arent as interested in Israel as they were in years past when end-time pastors would have the ear of the...
  14. durangodawood

    Where's all the people?

    Seems like over the last month or so half the people around these forums have disappeared. What happened? The rapture?
  15. durangodawood

    Piet Mondrian artwork displayed upside down for 75 years

    Piet Mondrian artwork displayed upside down for 75 years Tragically, the artwork cannot structurally survive a right side upping at this late date.
  16. durangodawood

    Trump says he can declassify documents just "by thinking about it".

    Trump talks to Hannity about how he can declassify documents just by thinking about it. Its been a while since I voluntarily allowed his lying voice to enter my head. But this headline seemed preposterous even for him. Until I heard it for myself. The Fox video clip is top in the link, with...
  17. durangodawood

    Massive flooding in Pakistan

    "We've got nothing left". Thats the sort of thing I hear over and over re the intense and widespread flooding. I do think we are seeing the intensification of weather events, as various climate models have predicted.
  18. durangodawood

    I wonder how many people here have me on "ignore".

    More a curiosity than an importance. I could imagine various people getting frustrated with the content of my opinions.... or annoyed with my avatar.
  19. durangodawood

    Huge Flooding in Kentucky

    "Old" news given the typical human attention span anymore. But it sounds really bad and the people affected seem to be suffering a lot. I would have thought thered be a thread about it. I do have a hard time grasping the scope though. Whether its just these few valleys, or massively...
  20. durangodawood

    Saudi Fantasy Linear City

    M Bin Salmans's proposal for the making Saudi Arabia the world leader in.... pretty much everything. A 100 mile long, 500 meter tall (sorry for the mixed units), sustainable, net zero, gleaming supercity. (Plus some kind of ski resort in the Arabian mountains). The promotional website seems to...