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  1. xThirst4Godx

    Quick Question Concerning Mary

    I just wanted to ask about the Lutheran Church's stance towards Marian theology. Do you venerate her (not personally, as a church), or not?
  2. xThirst4Godx

    Prayer Request

    dont know if this is the right spot, but i am asking you all for prayer. my church is pretty small, but growing. a few of the youth are really trying to start a legit youth group, but kids seem so reluctant nowadays. we at millpond church need your prayers for the youth involved along with the...
  3. xThirst4Godx

    Name of God

    I am not messianic jewish or jehovah's witness (100% Nicene Theology for me) but i have always wondered how we should treat the name of God. Should we translate parts in the old testament where the LORD is used to its actual translation, YHVH (Jehovah), or should we keep it like that? Should...
  4. xThirst4Godx

    Questions from a non-denominational

    I am non-denominational by force, not by will. that situation has driven me to look into several denominations, for a while making me forget that Jesus wasn't presbyterian or methodist or catholic, just a servant of the Lord. are there any traits that mark this as its own denomination? what are...
  5. xThirst4Godx

    United States Chaplaincy Corps

    So im pretty sure this isnt the right spot but im so confused! can a mod (or any member for that matter) help me get to a thread on the Military's chaplaincy. i feel called, but im so confused! anyone got any info?