Search results

  1. PassionFruit

    Red Summer of 1919

    I'm learning about the history the Red Summer of 1919. For those of who you don't know, Red Summer refers to the bloody race riots that occurred across the United States in 1919. The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow . Jim Crow Stories . Red Summer | PBS The Chicago Race Riot of 1919 - Black...
  2. PassionFruit

    Jim Crow Laws: What were they?

    Jim Crow laws were enacted to enforce segregation. Many only know these laws as "separate but equal" and things like separate drinking fountains. However, Jim Crow wasn't only laws, it was a way of life and violating Jim Crow etiquette could would result in violence. I bolded that last part...
  3. PassionFruit

    Claudette Colvin: The First

    Not known to many, Claudette Colvin was the first to be arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus during segregation. Nine months before Rosa Parks. The NAACP felt Rosa Parks was a better icon because she was an adult, but also because Colvin was an unwed teenage mother. Leaders of the...
  4. PassionFruit

    The History of Black Wall Street

    Not taught in mainstream American history texts, and if it is, it's known as the Tulsa Riots. But calling it a "riot" is incorrect as it implies there was aggression on both sides. I also wanted to share this because Black Wall Street is a good example of how Black Americans came together and...
  5. PassionFruit

    Paleo diet

    Hi all...:wave: I'm just curious if anyone has heard of this diet or tried it? It seems like another one of those fad diets, but I'd be open to trying it out. The Paleo Diet | Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Food You Were Designed to Eat :: Dr. Loren Cordain
  6. PassionFruit

    Opinions on this, specifically from Muslims

    Recently I was told about a movement called "taqwacore." Basically it's punk music that deals with Islam and culture. But mostly, you could call it a Islamic punk movement. NYT did an article on this a couple of years ago. One Muslim...
  7. PassionFruit

    Hi, just wanted to share this here.

    YouTube - Al Qaeda Populating U.S. With Peaceful 'Decoy Muslims' :) I just thought it was funny, cause it's true.
  8. PassionFruit

    Your religion and suffering

    I was wondering what your religion teaches about suffering. For instance, does it teach that suffering is part of the improvement for humanity? When I was a Christian I was often taught that suffering was a way for God to test us. Which brings me to my next point, if you believe suffering is...
  9. PassionFruit

    'Abortion' Googled in more conservative areas

    ‘Abortion’ Googled more in conservative areas - If you believe this is true, any reason as to why this may be?
  10. PassionFruit

    Man held in anti-Muslim stabbing.

    Man Held in Anti-Muslim Stabbing of Cabby in New York - Wonder if this has to do with growing hatred towards Muslims?
  11. PassionFruit

    Truth about what motivates us

    A friend sent me this video and I thought it was interesting and wanted to share it. :) YouTube - RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us
  12. PassionFruit

    Has anyone experienced this?

    With your married friends or friends who are in long term relationships, have you gotten the vibe that they seem to feel sorry for you because you're single? Even if there are other things that are going rather well in your life, like you have a stable career, you're getting along with your...
  13. PassionFruit

    Target Women!!!

    Isn't it funny what they advertise these days? :D Sarah Haskins in Target Women: Beauty Contraptions // Current And this is one of my favorites. Sarah Haskins in Target Women: Lifetime // Current
  14. PassionFruit

    RIP Lena Horne

    She died yesterday. :sadd: Barrier-breaking jazz star Lena Horne dies at 92 - Yahoo! News For those of you who don't know her, Horne was a jazz singer and actress most known for her song "Stormy Weather." She was also known for her beauty and grace. She will be missed.
  15. PassionFruit

    Has anyone noticed this?

    I was eating out a couple of nights ago, and I couldn't help noticed there was couple sitting, I guess they were on a date or something, I'm assuming. But what struck me was that both of them weren't really talking to each other, in fact I think they spent most of their time texting other. I...
  16. PassionFruit

    What's the matter with us?

    :) I'm asking this question about those of us who don't fit our gender roles, those of us who don't fit the standards of masculinity and femininity. Is there something broken inside us? Like for me, I feel like i have no maternal instinct whatsoever. Is there something broken in a woman...
  17. PassionFruit

    Favorite Studio Ghibi movie

    Hi everyone, I was wondering what your favorite Studio Ghibli film is? You can vote in the poll and if I left one out please share. :)
  18. PassionFruit

    Some friendly advice about V-day

    ....and being single in general. Since I've been hanging out here in the singles section of CF I noticed few people here (I could be wrong) seem to dislike their singleness. I understand it can be frustrating and you feel lonely. But there's no need feel sad about being single. While...
  19. PassionFruit

    School system in Va. won't teach version of Anne Frank book Seriously? :o:confused:
  20. PassionFruit

    Revolutionary Girl Utena

    I know there are threads talking about this series, but they were really old so I wanted to start a new one. I was wondering if anyone here is familiar with Revolutionary Girl Utena (both anime and manga). And if so, are you able to understand it and what do you think it means? Or do you...