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  1. 5

    Is it considered normal for a church to take out a loan?

    It just doesn't seem like a good idea to me, is this common practice? I know of a church that is planning a huge building and trying to get a loan from a bank to do it.
  2. 5

    i really believe that Jesus is real

    I have had doubts of the miracles and many things just because of the bible and the inconsistencies with it. just an example- if the messiah was born and was known to be that, and the three kings, you know the story, why for 30 some years would there be no record of his life? people would have...
  3. 5

    is anyone here good with phpbb code?

    let me know
  4. 5

    Post in here NOW!!!

    Not to be bossy im just a commanding type who takes charge often lol Please just look around you and say 1 to 3 things that are closest to you that you are thankful for, they dont have to be big, just look around and see what is closest in distance. not by any other measure. i go first...
  5. 5

    Vegetarians check in here

    just post in here to check in. im curious how many here are.:clap:
  6. 5

    Awesome that this is here

    :kiss: i didnt know they made this
  7. 5

    reliable photo hosting

    i was once a member of, i paid 20.00 for my hosting there, well after they collected everyones money they left town. and kept all my pics. in oct of 2004 i made a website and along with it an uploader for pics. so if you need to post pics online you can use it. it is free to use...
  8. 5

    anyone write any poems to the g/f for V day?

    i didnt this year but this was one i did about a year ago I understand that the words from you are home my only wish is to say it so you will know i ask the Lord if i could take you to his throne my love for you will truly be known your love is like an angels wings to me they keep me...
  9. 5

    help me find a cure for disease with your comp

    please. folding proteins is what im talking about. its a simulation you run on your comp to help researchers find cures for things like cancers and just about every other thing. please pm me or email me @ and ill help you get started. its very easy and wont slow anything...
  10. 5

    strange things happen

    i was driving the other day and i was just thinking to myself, when is God coming back? just kinda talking to God and daydreaming, then there was a flashing sign on the side of the road for some big store saying grand opening and stuff, just as i got up to the sign it flashed "coming soon!!" at...
  11. 5

    Vegans/vegetarians out there?

    anyone a veg? for what reasons have you come to it?
  12. 5

    i know God

    and he is real, i have seen him. that is all:clap:
  13. 5

    looking for a bible

    who has got a bible they will sell me? im looking for a nasb life application study bible made by zondervan with black leather cover. if you have one and it is new or as new i would be interested. the bible is the worlds best selling book and the least read.:)
  14. 5


    post 1 hi:cool: