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  1. TheGuide

    Trump's Golden Idol at CPAC

    Is anyone other than me bothered by this thing rolled into CPAC in the image of Trump?
  2. TheGuide

    Finally, the My Pillow Guy Will Have His Day in Court!

    He is being sued, but he should be happy, because now he can present all his evidence before the court to prove the election was stolen. I'm sure looking forward to seeing what he has. How about you?
  3. TheGuide

    Have You Ever Blessed God?

    We constantly ask God to bless us; bless our home, family, our lives. But how many of us extent God, Himself, a blessing. For example: “God Almighty, who made heaven and earth, bless Your presence, Your very existence, and bless all that You endeavor to do this day and forever.” Amen.
  4. TheGuide

    The Bible's "Divorce and Re-marry Clause"

    I've known people who struggled with this, which is why it's important to read and discern the word of God ourselves. Pastors aren't perfect, so never take a pastor's teaching as absolute. Read what Jesus said on the subject of divorce then take his word for it. In follow-up to a popular...
  5. TheGuide

    The "Do Nothing" Congress

    Congress has submitted over 100 Bills to the Senate that McConnell is ignoring. The likely intent is to make them look like the "do nothing Congress" President Trump likes to taunt, and it's working because his base repeats the same without any vetting. I blame Congress, because they should be...
  6. TheGuide

    Anomalies in Trump situation room photo spark online conspiracy theories it was staged

    You know, it's possible Trump didn't know about the raid until it was all over. I would think the military would be concerned that HE would leak the pending raid, and he just might have since he praised Russia and Turkey in his address regarding the subject, like he was making amends for the...
  7. TheGuide

    The Great Betrayal

    This may well be the great betrayal spoken of in the Bible. "And whoa to those who give suck in those days," Christian Kurds are fleeing into the desert for the mountains. This is what we have done to protect one man's private interest, and this country will pay dearly when the children of...
  8. TheGuide

    "I AM the Chosen One"

    This is the test of how many Christians have actually read the Bible. Can President Trump scare on-the-fence Christians into voting for him?
  9. TheGuide

    "I AM the Chosen One

    This is the test of how many Christians have actually read the Bible. Can President Trump scare on-the-fence Christians into voting for him?
  10. TheGuide

    Trump as President For Life

    I'm just trying to gauge how people here feel about this, because lately Trump has been "joking" about becoming a dictator, and I see him becoming more aggressive closer to election time. Who here would want him as their lifetime leader with the potential of his children in succession?
  11. TheGuide


    It is reported that 13,000,000 Yemen citizens are on the verge of starving to death because they won't let humanitarian aide into the country. We often ask what can we do about it. We can pray out loud to God asking that soften the hearts of those in charge so the aide coming from about the...
  12. TheGuide

    FREE - A Funny Tale About Being at Risk

    "Life is Easy" is a free new offer @ Just click on the link to download the 50-page novella in PDF format. And your review would be greatly appreciated! Also, if you haven't read "Fate Walkers" please add it to your read list. It's a down-to-earth fantasy with great...
  13. TheGuide

    FREE - Fantasy Adventure for the Young and Old

    "Fate Walkers is an excellent read...great storyline and a terrific job with your characters….It would make a great movie...” - LB The above review was from an editor who reads books for a living! Prior to release I am offering a free eBook download of "Fate Walkers." If you like...
  14. TheGuide

    Post Your Short Story or Screenplay for a Free Critique

    Zoetrope Virtual Studio is a super website that I've used for years to post my screenplays to get back feedback. My short story got 9 reads with some very good feedback to help me make it better. The only requirement is that you review five stories from the list and provide feedback. Go to...
  15. TheGuide

    Acquiring Wealth is Our Right!

    Building wealth is absolutely necessary in this day and age, because companies are no longer holding onto employees until retirement. That's why you need to have residual income rolling in each month. Renting properties is the old fashion way to get there for the average-income investor. It's...
  16. TheGuide

    Building Wealth the Old Fashion Way

    Welcome to Wealth Road is for the newly rich and average-income investor. Please read an excerpt on the Amazon website by searching the title. May you always find prosperity, The Guide
  17. TheGuide

    Pursuing the Rich

    Many graduates will get decent-paying jobs because companies will replace older, stale employees with a younger college-educated workforce, who bring fresh skills. I know that sounds cruel, but it doesn't make it any less true, and within a few years you may be the ones pushed out for younger...
  18. TheGuide

    Want to Read or Write a Screenplay?

    You can see tips and download feature screenplays at
  19. TheGuide

    Screenplay Writing & Reading

    Thank those of you for your kind emails. I have uploaded three new features, and I have also included tips for first-time script readers. Please check one or all of them out at
  20. TheGuide

    Read a Sci-fi Screenplay

    Newly uploaded original screenplay, and free reading tips for first-time script readers. Go to Read-a-Script