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    Music Review

    So I got a 4 new albums for my b-day and I wanted to state my thoughts on them and see what everyone else thinks. Too Young to Fight It- Young Love This album is really good. The lead singer said in an interview that he wanted to change people's outlook and opinions on pop music and with this...
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    Group 1 Crew

    I recently heard a track from this group and I was wondering if any of you had heard anything by them. I'm going to go buy their album ( I like to support my christian artist) when I go get Toby Mac's new album.
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    I Just Have To Know Your Thoughts

    So today I was looking at some album/music reviews and I stumbled upon some reviews of Christina Aguilera's Cd Back-to-Basics. Now I have the cd and know each song by heart but I was appalled to read these professional written reviews that were so...rude, judgmental and crazy. I mean we all know...
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    Mtv Bashing

    MTV.....Music Television. Why are their so many people that just really hate MTV?? I hear lame excuses like MTV has to many t.v. shows and reality shows or that they only play biased mainstream music. MTV plays what it's viewers want it to becasue if they didn't then no one would watch it...
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    Battle of the Music Videos

    This is just battle of the bands but it's with music video's. So I'll start.... Behind These Hazel Eyes- Kelly Clarkson Vs. Call Me When Your Sober- Evanescence Please set up your choices like I did so its clear and easy to see what song goes with what artist.
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    Cartoon Movie ABC

    The rules are that you have to go from A-Z (first letter of the movie) naming cartoon or animated movies. So I'll start: Aladin (the movie)
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    Cartoon ABC's

    The rules are pretty easy. We go from A-Z naming cartoons or animated shows. It's easy as that just play attetion everyone and let's try not to repeat to much of the same show. So here goes! Aladdin (the animated series)
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    Back to Basics

    So I have the Christina Aguilera jazz inspired double disc album "Back to Basics" and I like it a lot!!! It's very jazz and some the second disc sounds like something start out of the Jazz Era. Does anyone else have it??? If you do, what do you think???
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    Laguna Beach Season 3

    I never really watched the first two seasons of the show but MTV makes such a BIG deal about it on TRL so with these all new season started, I thought I would try to keep up with it. With the season opener I already bored. It's the same drama that happens around me but caught on a film. The only...
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    Help me find these song please.....

    It's called "In the Secret" I think but its not the one we all know and I heard it at two different churchs so I know it's not a church original. Here are the lyrics I remember: Take me to that place lord, To that secret place where, I can be with you, And you can make me like you, Wrap me...
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    Pet Care Blessing Program

    I use to have CF pet but was going to be gone for a long time this summer and put it up for adoption to insure it would be taken care of and someone adopted him!!! Now I have plenty of blessings to take care of a pet (I have alot of blessing in the bank collecting intrest) but I just found that...
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    Christian Pop

    :P So I'm kind of wierd but I like pop music for the most part and I would like more it. But I need more christian stuff but I can't seem to find the right stuff. I likeStacie Orrico a lot and her whole sound and also this band called "Raze" who use to be around but I forgot what happend to...
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    Its cheaper to....

    I think its so much cheaper to just put your pet in daycare were it only cost 10 blessings a day. Thats all.....It seems like every since we got this new site, my pet has needed alot more food and things. But that;s just a thought but just know my pet is in there right now.
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    Foster Home

    Is there a way that I could start a pet foster home. Alot of pets need homes and I know I can't keep them all with me but I could pay for them to be in daycare and trade off taking care of them and having them in daycare.
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    Save Panther Cat

    So I was looking through the adoption center and I saw this cat with XX's over its eyes so I clicked on it and saw that it was about to die!!!! :cry: Can someone help it??? Can I adopt it or someting.....I already have a dog but I put him in the daycare center for a while so now I could get the...
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    A got a what do I do?

    So I got 2000 blessing so I thought I would get a pet. I bought a dog. I don't know what I'm doing. I went to pet store and bought all the dog food and went to the store and got a ball and chew toy. But now what do I do? How do I feed it or whatever.
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    The game of chess

    I was thinking about maybe learning how to play chance but I heard its hard and that it takes alot of thinking ahead to be really good at. So I was wondering how long it took everyone to learn the concept of the game and actually be good at it. How many games did you play until you actally...
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    Bump and Grind

    This is why I don't like going to school dances sometimes, I mean I still go but it gets so gross when everyone is bumping and grinding up against each other. That's not dancing and it gets old really fast. We all know what the guy is gettting from it but what about the girl? She's doing all...
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    Pet adoption

    Where do you adopt pets at?:scratch: And somebody said it was hard to take of them.......what exactly do you have to do?
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    Just a little advice woudl help

    So I don't want to put all my business out there so I'll just kind of tell a short version of the story and just add in any details that might be important. I meet this guy named Wes about the 2 week of school. He came out to me that he was bi but he hadn't told anyone else. From there we...