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  1. lawtonfogle

    Know how many anti-homosexual politicians end up being homosexuals...

    Or how those who are most homophobic end up having homosexual urges? I have, for a long while after reading the story, wondered if this holds true in other areas? For example, are those who hate rapist the most (while we can all agree rape is bad, there are those who want to rehabilitate...
  2. lawtonfogle

    How to get people to plead guilty.

    Take minor crime (something many would say wasn't even the original intent of the law being used). Add on major crime that comes with minimum decade+ in jail. Drop the major if they plead guilty to the minor. Read a recent case where this was used against an 18 year old who was dating a 15...
  3. lawtonfogle

    Why do some people demand special marriage rights?

    No, I'm not talking about homosexuals, I'm talking about what opened the can or worms that is gay marriage, the precursor. You see, in the past, all people had an equal right to marry. They could all marry someone of the opposite sex and same race. But equality wasn't good enough for some...
  4. lawtonfogle

    Guilty with maybe a chance to prove yourself innocent.

    Ok, so what crimes should we treat those charged with as guilty unless they prove themselves innocent? Or should we even give them a chance to do such? Terrorism? Child molestation? Resisting an officer?
  5. lawtonfogle

    Oops, Homo/heterosexuality just broke.

    If a man/woman is attracted to a 20+ year old woman/man (respectively), that is heterosexuality, correct? If a man/woman is attracted to a 20+ year old man/w0man (respectively), that is homosexuality, correct? What about if a man is attracted to 23 year old Zhu Jie. Is he a heterosexual, or a...
  6. lawtonfogle

    Perhaps the most disturbing video game ever...

    Seriously, what Japan produces some days is really really disturbing. Sometimes Japan produces some weird but otherwise very fun (and family friendly) games to play, but I have stumbled across a game that is beyond disturbing. In this game, the player is able to slowly freeze, burn, or...
  7. lawtonfogle

    1/4 of a percent of all sex offenders were girls 6 to 8

    Study: Many sex offenders are kids themselves - 36% of sex offenders are children. 7% of these are females. 10.6% of these were between the ages of 6 to 8. .36 * .07 * .106 = .0026, or about 1/4 of a percent. If we count how many are sex offenders under the age of 12, male and...
  8. lawtonfogle

    Teaching child to scream "You are not my..." doesn't help much.

    This is quite scary... YouTube - STRANGER DANGER - CHILD ABDUCTIONS : Would Anyone Help Your Child When Being Abducted?
  9. lawtonfogle

    Note to all US citizens...

    please read up and understand jury nullification. This is the power of the people to keep laws from being abused when someone is guilty of breaking the letter but not the spirit of the law. Learn it, live it, spread it. Jury nullification in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  10. lawtonfogle

    The American 'Justice' System

    The article speaks for itself.
  11. lawtonfogle

    When is it acceptable to force an abortion on a mother?

    I have seen a few individuals admit it is acceptable in a few cases, so I am wondering what the average person feels here. I'm not going to point out the cases in question here, but I am just wonder for those who think a female should have control of her own body, when is it acceptable to...
  12. lawtonfogle

    Burn a Koran for free speech.

    So, would there be anything wrong with trying to start a movement to burn Koran (and any other books people want to) just to show this (where I live, because I'm talking about where I live) is the USA and we have freedom of speech, a freedom that we will exercise even when others threaten...
  13. lawtonfogle

    WI (R) Sean says $174,000 is hard to live on.

    His actual comment: Video found here: GOPers Demand Sean Duffy Salary Tape Be Pulled From The Internet (VIDEO) | TPMDC 174k for 7 people is ~25k per person. I know families living on less than $25K for the entire family. He should be able to easily drop $100K and still live at a decent...
  14. lawtonfogle

    What should the punishment be for enjoying gore?

    By enjoying, I mean purposeful watching for enjoyment. Being that gore involves either the death of extreme mutilation of an individual anyone who gains any enjoyment from it (sadistic, sexual, or what have you) and thus enjoys (purposefully watches for entertainment) gore creates a demand for...
  15. lawtonfogle

    Legal immigrant illegally jailed for 5 days.

    ACLU: Police Illegally Jail Legal Immigrant For 5 Days - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver Far to many of the anti-immigration individuals will applaud the work of police here and say it is just unfortunate they picked a legal instead of illegal immigrant. Even one of the comments is saying this...
  16. lawtonfogle

    Why do you have to be 18 to view porn?

    Ok, I understand the argument of why someone under 18 shouldn't produce porn, once it is made it is out there forever, and those under 18 can't make such a big decision. The age of consent is that even though a one time act of sex isn't a permanent, it still takes a lot of knowledge to make...
  17. lawtonfogle

    US Supreme Court debate questioning of children...

    Justices to decide if age counts for child suspects being questioned - My view... being a special needs child (well, any child really, but definitely special needs), he should be assumed unable to consent to the waiver of his right to remain silent/avoid self incrimination without a...
  18. lawtonfogle

    Isn't something backward in this sentencing?

    Woman sentenced after streaming sex abuse of daughter over webcam - The first two sentences in and I noticed a problem. She received 15 years for raping her child, but received 20 for streaming it. Isn't that backwards? Also, why should she be allowed to serve both sentences at the...
  19. lawtonfogle

    Who says Christians are mistreated in Islamic countries?

    Did you know that in even the most pro-Islamic nation, Christians have the same rights and are treated equally as everyone else. They can become Muslims and be treated like any other Muslim. This is the exact same way every other person, including all Muslims, are treated. Them not getting a...
  20. lawtonfogle

    Massive SEX OFFENDER* ring taken down.

    *no doubt some of these were pedophiles, but I want evidence before someone says they all were. BBC News - 'World's largest paedophile ring' uncovered As to the side comment about Operation Ore... is that the operation where the US took down a porn hosting company because one of...