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  1. B

    Diseases and Defects

    I originally posted this in the Apologetics forum, but now realize that is meant for Christians only, and since I'm a self identified "seeker", I may not ultimately be welcome there. So I'm posting here as well. Here's my issue: I'm sure this has been addressed a million times before, so...
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    John Paul Stevens Retiring

    This should be interesting.
  3. B

    Bristol / Levi Wedding ...

    Anyone want to place bets on whether this will happen now that the oval office is not at stake? ;)
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    Freedom of Religion vs. Same-Sex Marriage ... Distinction?

    If you are a Christian and believe: 1) The law should permit people to establish non-Christian churches and practice non-Christian religions; AND 2) The law should not permit an individual to marry a person of the same-sex; I have a question for you. Why are you ok with the law letting...
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    CT Supreme Court Overtuns Gay Marriage Ban

    Here's a link to the Reuters article. Haven't seen the opinion yet. That makes 3 states :)
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    Pope saves babies from limbo

    Haven't been on the boards for a bit, so apoligies if this has already been addressed, but what do you think about the Pope's recent revision of the Catholic church's position on unbaptised infants going to heaven (rather than limbo)? If you aren't Catholic, (and even if you are) what do you...
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    Birth Control Follow Up: Sex Without Procreating

    Ok, follow up question to my other thread about whether married couples should be allowed to use birth control. I know it hasn't been up long yet, but so far 100% of the poll participants have voted that it's ok for married couples to use birth control. So my next question is, if you think...
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    Birth Control OK for Married Couples?

    I'm a bit (though, I suppose not entirely) surprised at the divide in this forum about whether birth control (not abortion, but rather contraceptives, like condoms) is ok for married couples. What do you think and why?
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    Finding Beauty in People

    I'm new here, but after a brief stroll through the forums I realize that topics along these lines seem particularly vulnerable to getting closed by site administration. I just want to offer a perspective on sexual orientation, and hope it is deemed somehow worthy of discussion. I will begin by...