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  1. FoogieFighters

    Kinda sad, but I don't know where to put this thread.

    I don't know, I've been sitting here for awhile really sad because I don't have any friends that like anime and expecially a guy-friend/boy-friend who likes anime and stuff like that. I can understand kinda the friends not liking anime, but I thought there were 'nerds' all over the place who...
  2. FoogieFighters

    Cosplay Help

    OKay, so here's the's way past my, so called, 'bed time' and I decided to ask you a question that I have been pondering about for quite some time. I have been thinking about trying to convince my dad into taking me to an anime convention. But of course I have to ya know, dress up (...
  3. FoogieFighters

    Guild Wars VS WOW

    Okay, so I really want to purchase an online RPG for my computer. (Yes I realize that there are more RPG's for the PC, but these are the only two I'm thinking of...I do not want any FF game. Nothing against it, I love their games, but I don't want that for my PC) I know you don't have to pay...
  4. FoogieFighters

    Guild Wars VS WOW

    Okay, so I really want to purchase an online RPG for my computer. (Yes I realize that there are more RPG's for the PC, but these are the only two I'm thinking of...I do not want any FF game. Nothing against it, I love their games, but I don't want that for my PC) I know you don't have to pay...
  5. FoogieFighters


    Okay, so I'm sure everyone of us here has had at least one bowl of ramen! So I got to the thinking (as I guzzled down some hot green tea and chicken ramen) why not make a thread about the food our lovely anime characters eat? You know what I'm talking about...the pockey's the ramen's ;)...
  6. FoogieFighters

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    Okay, so I guess for some reason, there isn't anybody that I talk to that likes Anime/Manga's. In fact, they kinda make fun of it. I mean I don't try to hide it or anything, I have posters in my room and everything. But I just can't watch it with them, or talk about it or even try to enjoy...
  7. FoogieFighters

    Lots of things rolled all into one.

    Hey guys, I realize that I don't really post a lot here, but I was hoping that something like that wouldn't really matter to you guys. For the most part everyone knows how stressful Senior year can be. I'm having a lot of trouble with colleges and focusing and even having any sort of energy in...
  8. FoogieFighters

    Make a Story -Fun-

    I know that in the Anime & Manga section, there are quite a few "make a story" threads going on. But most of them -while they are fun and exciting- always seem to have such a serious emotion to them. So this is why I'm creating this thread! It's suppossed to be silly and goofey! So go wild! I'm...
  9. FoogieFighters

    Worst Sub in Anime

    Okay, so we all know that there are some animes out there that have been dubbed in english where the voices...well...they stink. So I'm wondering, what is your biggest dissapointment in American dubs? Mine, without a single doubt in my mind....Is Alphonse from Full Metal Alchemist. MY...
  10. FoogieFighters

    Gunslinger Girl

    Okay, so some of you might say that "brainwashing little girls so they can do the governments dirty work" is not something that I should be posting in a Christian Forum thread, but come on, you have to admit that this show rocks! :cool: Does anyone else like the show? And if you do who's your...
  11. FoogieFighters

    SoS Band Name!!! SoS!!

    :help: Hey you guys, I need a "Rock/Metal" band name ASAP I'd let you hear one of our songs. I'll start a poll between 2 names, so please vote for that, and come up with any good names!:thumbsup: Thanks!
  12. FoogieFighters

    Toning muh Bellay

    :help: Okay so It's not really fat, it's mostly skin right? So what are some good ways to get a good stummy before june 5 th (the day I leave for cancun) :help: I need you guys now more then ever on this one haha
  13. FoogieFighters

    Ghost In The Shell -Stand Alone Complex

    I may have over looked this, but I don't think I've seen any threads for this Anime. So am I the only one who likes this or what? I've really gotten into watching it on Adult Swim, Haven't gotten to see the movie yet, or read the magna. The show's gotten really exciting. Sometimes it's...
  14. FoogieFighters

    Baten Kaitos

    Hey everyone, I LOVE this game. But the sad thing, is well.... :sigh: I stink at video games...So does anyone have any tips or tricks for this game? And does anyone share the same idea as me? (yeah I know it isn't any Finial Fantasy, and it's pretty much the same, but I kinda like...
  15. FoogieFighters

    Cartoon Network Times

    Does anyone know these?...I know they come on late at night, but every night is different, and I really want to catch my anime and get in the game! Haha I admit to being a dork (Just for reference!:doh: ) Haha Thanks "yall" hahahaha:sorry: Also any other channels??
  16. FoogieFighters

    Road to Anime

    OKay, I admit it.... I'm an Anime junkie;) . But I don't know much about it. As much as I want to buy a lot of books to figure this out on my own, and watch the cartoons...Well the books are kinda pricey, (Don't want to be into too many stories...At most 10 haha) and as for the TV goes all...
  17. FoogieFighters

    Is It Just Me? (Wife Swap)

    OKay, is it just me, or do all of the people just SUCK on Wife Swap???? It just seems like there's always one family, that doesn't "have any rules" and then the other family is "all about order".'s just horrible!!! But yet so funny to watch because it is so bad :cool: :P ^_^...
  18. FoogieFighters

    Tekken Five

    I finially got it (Don't ask why it took me so long:scratch: ) But okay, so what does everyone think about it? I personally love it (I like fighting games_:thumbsup: ) And I think all of the extra things are great in it! The movies are so much better then Tekken Tag -never got tekken 4...
  19. FoogieFighters

    Who remembers Plus One?

    I haven't really heard from them in a while and I didn't know if anyone knew anything, or if you listened to it? I used to love them a lot. I kinda shyed away from christian music when I got into highschool, but I'm starting to like it again (Not like I've stopped, but well, you know haha) I...
  20. FoogieFighters

    How does everyone feel about Spongebob?

    Okay, so I know this is old news, but since the Spongebob Squarepants Movie came out today, I thought I would bring this up. Am I the only one who thinks that the whole idea of Spongebob being a homosexual is stupid? ( And you might think that Patrick and S.B. are a little close, but think...