Helicopter Carrying Iran’s President Has Crashed

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Hans Blaster

Rocket surgeon
Mar 11, 2017
United States
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No, there shall be a fountain of living waters. Much better than beer. No hangover.

@ Hans Blaster - The Old Testament is Christianity. Or, as some say, the Old Testament is the New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. The "Jewish Scriptures" all point to Jesus Christ, and in some places even prophecy that the Word would go to the Gentiles and thus the entire world.
There is no evidence that the writers of Deuterotomy conceived of anything like Jesus or Christianity. If we take the alleged time line of the book going back to near the time of Moses, was there even a Jewish doctrine of a messiah yet? Isn't that a post-exhilic concept?

If you go to the actual passage you quoted and read the context (which is why this selective verse quoting makes such poor arguments) this is from Moses addressing the people of Israel after giving them the laws, commandments, and rules (the contents of that book). Then he invokes God as witness and admonishes them to choose life (obedience) instead of disobedience to the just promulgated law for them and their descendants. If you follow the admonition of Moses this would make you and orthodox Jew, as these are the laws they so fastidiously follow, most of which you've probably never even considered.

If you want to show that Christianity is the "light of the world" then quote Jesus or a Christian author like Paul.
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