Left Behind?


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May 1, 2009
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Left Behind is premised on the rapture. In the movie version, every minor-aged child was taken. But that's a pipe dream. In reality, millions of minor-aged children will be left behind to die in the Tribulation just as children were left behind to drown in the Flood, and just as children were left behind to be incinerated in Sodom and Gomorrah, and just as children were left behind to be slaughtered in the State of Israel when Yhvh's people were conquered in the past by foreign powers in the Old Testament. Fetuses were gutted out of their mother's tummies like harvesting roe from a salmon, and pre-schoolers and infants were held by the heels and swung like baseball bats to smash open their frangible little skulls against rocks and bricks like ripe pomegranates. The judgment of God is both terrifying and awesome to behold.

There is a scene in the book of Revelation where the cities of the world collapse. Over 2,000 people alone died in the World Trade Center, and that's after a good number of the occupants were evacuated. Just think how many will be crushed to death when the whole of Manhattan collapses of a sudden, all at once, with no warning, instead of just those two sky scrapers. Now multiply that by every major city in the world and you have an idea of how many children are going to be killed when their cities suddenly collapse on top of them with multiplied millions of tons of concrete, steel, and glass.

†. Rev 16:18-19 . . And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell

What John saw in that scene is not a prediction; no, it was a something akin to a live video feed from the future. I am confident that the world's cities are going to collapse someday because John saw them collapse already with his own eyes.

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Senior Veteran
May 5, 2009
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Left Behind is premised on the rapture. In the movie version, every minor-aged child was taken. But that's a pipe dream. In reality, millions of minor-aged children will be left behind to die in the Tribulation just as children were left behind to drown in the Flood, and just as children were left behind to be incinerated in Sodom and Gomorrah, and just as children were left behind to be slaughtered in the State of Israel when Yhvh's people were conquered in the past by foreign powers in the Old Testament. Fetuses were gutted out of their mother's tummies like harvesting roe from a salmon, and pre-schoolers and infants were held by the heels and swung like baseball bats to smash open their frangible little skulls against rocks and bricks like ripe pomegranates. The judgment of God is both terrifying and awesome to behold.

There is a scene in the book of Revelation where the cities of the world collapse. Over 2,000 people alone died in the World Trade Center, and that's after a good number of the occupants were evacuated. Just think how many will be crushed to death when the whole of Manhattan collapses of a sudden, all at once, with no warning, instead of just those two sky scrapers. Now multiply that by every major city in the world and you have an idea of how many children are going to be killed when their cities suddenly collapse on top of them with multiplied millions of tons of concrete, steel, and glass.

†. Rev 16:18-19 . . And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell

What John saw in that scene is not a prediction; no, it was a something akin to a live video feed from the future. I am confident that the world's cities are going to collapse someday because John saw them collapse already with his own eyes.


Well you could be right, but we now have the revelation of God's grace in the world through Jesus christ and He may judge the world differently now that His grace and mercy has been shown to the world. Even if babies were killed in the Old Testament I still believe that God had mercy on those that were not past the age of accoutability after they had died. Murder and death are apart of this world even though some people fail to realise that. People die without mercy, warning all the time. And it will be no different if the End Times, but the grace and mercy of Jesus has been revealed to the whole world, almost everyone knows that He came to die for the sins of the world. So the ones that could have made the choice to serve Him and did not, they will have their reward. But the innocent who have not had the chance to make the decision I think will be showed mercy. The Old Testament times was a much different world then the world we live in now, all of the judgement that God showed man was leading up to the great unvailing of His mercy and grace that He showed to Israel first and now to the whole world. Jesus showed great love to children, He said that it would be better for a man to have a millstone hung around his neck and drowned if he caused a child to sin. God loves the children, and that verse shows that they cannot be completly accountable for their actions untill they are older. But Jesus will judge us all one day, including the children, but I do not see Him condeming children to suffer the judgement of God on all who have refused Him when they have yet had the chance to ask Him to save them.
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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2009
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RE: Jesus showed great love to children, He said that it would be better for a man to have a millstone hung around his neck and drowned if he caused a child to sin.

Jesus' statement about the millstone is exclusive; it's restricted to children that believe.

†. Mtt 18:6 . . But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

RE: God loves the children, and that verse shows that they cannot be completly accountable for their actions untill they are older.

Children need not be accountable for their own sins to die in an act of God. Every infant comes into the world already marked for death because of Adam's transgression (Rom 5:12, Rom 5:18). For that reason, God is perfectly justified in terminating the lives of innocent children right along with their sinful parents. If the adults in Nineveh hadn't repented at Jonah's message, God would have seen to it that 120,000 pre-school children were terminated. (Jon 4:11). A hundred years later, in the book of Nahum, He did.

RE: But Jesus will judge us all one day, including the children, but I do not see Him condeming children to suffer the judgement of God on all who have refused Him when they have yet had the chance to ask Him to save them.

Personally, I do not believe minors will stand trial at the Great White Throne of Rev 20:11-15. But minors do not stay young and innocent forever. They grow up to become adults. If God were to permit every child into Heaven, both the believing children and the unbelieving children, it would only be a matter of time before their innocence gave way to puberty; and I don't think I have to tell you what people are like after that.

According to Mtt 18:10, deceased believing children are permitted access to God. I have yet to find a passage in the Bible that clearly, and without ambiguity, reveals where unbelieving children go to finish growing up.

RE: they have yet had the chance to ask Him to save them.

One of the harsh realities of the Bible is that Hell is not an option; no, it's the default. One need not reject the Gospel to go to Hell; they were on their way there already; which is why missionaries compass land and sea trying to help God save as many as possible before it's too late.

Unbelief is not limited to a deliberate decision to disbelieve; no, unbelief is an intrinsic status. Everybody comes into the world an unbeliever, and that status doesn't change until such a time as they believe. When people leave this life having not heard the Gospel even one single time in their whole lives due to circumstances beyond their control, they cross over to the other side as an unbeliever and will be judged as one of the Dead at Rev 20:11-15.

†. Rom 10:13-15 . . Everyone who calls on the name of The Lord will be spared. But how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is what the Scriptures mean when they say: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!

You know what our modern world is sorely lacking today? Belief in God? Yes, that too, but what it lacks even more is fear of God. People are taking God too much for granted and pushing Him too far. Well, they are in for the shock of their lives when the one whom they regard as a big fat old bleeding heart in the sky suddenly turns on them unexpected like a rabid dog.

†. Isa 13:9 . . Behold, the day of Yhvh is coming; cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it.

Webster's defines cruel as: disposed to inflict pain or suffering i.e. devoid of humane sensibilities and unrelieved by leniency; viz: fierce.

Ferocity is an attribute we usually associate with beasts of prey characterized by unrestrained violence and brutality. When a shark bites a hunk of flesh off a swimmer, it does so with no more compassion for human life than a mechanic tightening a bolt on a car engine. Judgment is God's strange work; but nevertheless, it is His work; and it's not pretty.

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May 5, 2009
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Well let me say first that I do not know if the children under the age of accountability will be spared from tribulation or not, but the Bible does I think make it clear that the children of believing parents will be spared.

1 Corinthians 7:14
"For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy."

As to unbelieving parents children it is hard to say, God does love the children of the world, but if there parents are unbelieving they could possibly inherit there doom, for if they are left they will most likely accept the mark of the beast and be doomed like there parents. As you have said the children of unbelievers were not spared in the Old Testament, so we could probably assume that they will not be spared in the future either. But He knows what is best and it is in His hands.

Well with further study and with your comments I do have to agree with you Webers_Home that I think there is the possibility that unbelieving children will not be raptured I still must conclude that the children of believing parents under the age of accountability will be spared. I think they will be showed mercy and inherit the blessing of their parents believing on Jesus.

Also thank you for that verse in Matthew 18:10, I never saw that before.
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Apr 10, 2009
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I still wonder how anybody can actually enjoy these books.

Never mind that they are ham-fisted fundamentalist propaganda - chances are that vast portions of the target audience think along the same lines as the authors, anyway.

But the one mortal sin that totally disqualifies a book, any book, is shoddy writing. Its premise might be fantastic, the general idea behind it might be superb, but if the plotting, characterization and style are blatantly sub-standard, all of that is for naught.

And that, I might add, is what totally disqualifies the whole "Left Behind"-series, at least as far as I am concerned. There are pulp fictions that are more subtle and coherent than that one, and that really says a lot.

Absolutely. There are all sorts of theological issues one could have with the books, but the fact is that they are truly awful from a literary perspective, and that's the major strike against them. The comparison to Dan Brown that someone else made is pretty accurate, I think. I just don't see a single positive thing anyone could say about the writing. Characters are shallow and two-dimensional, the plot seems very contrived and relies almost entirely on constant cliff-hangers to keep things moving, the dialogue seems forced and stilted, and there isn't any depth - no thought provoking metaphors, no powerful symbolism that enhances the plot, it's just all right on the surface. It's just a bunch of action sequences and rather shoddy attempts at touching personal moments with God (which seem, again, very contrived), held together by some sort of narrative and popularized through hype.
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Feb 26, 2024
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I’m going back and forth between the adult and kids series (except for when I get to the three prequels and the sequel, because the kids series have neither).

Though I would consider The Rapture as more of a midquel, since it takes place during the first chapter or so of Left Behind.

So the way I see the adult series are 12 original series (though I’d say that books 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are darker than books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6), two prequels, 1 midquel, and 1 sequel.
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