Bless those who bless Israel


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This video rubbed me the wrong way because of my biblical beliefs. This Christian priest from Bethlehem talks about the hypocrisy of America concerning the treatment of Christians in the Middle East. I was all for Israel wiping out Hamas because of Israel being attacked but as time goes on the deaths of everyone involved including Christians are troubling. The question I asked myself is do we support Israel no matter what they do after all they are a secular democratic state, especially when they are doing things against God's word like murder. I know Israel has a strong lobby in the government.

Trigger alert: (curse words) The men commenting on the interview get bible prophesy wrong in my opinion.

The Philo project I believe is the name has done rebuttal videos to the pastor from Bethlehem.

It is difficult being a Christian there. Most have had to leave due to various persecution at the hands of Islamists, mainly economic persecution for being Christian.

If you do live there taking the side of Hamas is just sane, helps keep you alive. Go public against Hamas and you won't survive long... So the pastor is doing what he feels he has to do and that's okay.

But Hamas still has to go.

No matter.

The stance Biden is taking is, in my personal opinion, pure evil. There's literally nothing more evil...

I'm not a dispensationalist. I'm a traditional Amillenial and I have never ever seen Israel having any particular place in the New Covenant.

But all the terrorists in the world are against Israel. Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Taliban, al-Qaeda, Qatar, Iran (and apparently the US.) and more.

The picture of Israel falling, literally losing their war against them all, you and I don't want to imagine... We really really really don't want to imagine how emboldened they would be to then move on the rest of the world if Israel fell - that's the Islamist fantasy...

There would be worldwide persecution on a scale never seen before, with nothing between them and us... Because our western governments have already told us/shown us we won't be protected.

If Israel falls so will our world order. It's already changing before our eyes in ways I never even imagined.

I'm just standing in horror really. The biggest trainwreck in history and I am simply beyond words now.

Don't get thrown by the lies you're hearing. We are messing up badly by supporting the terrorists and not the democracy of Israel.

As far as how many Palestinians have died we really don't know. All we have is the word of Hamas on numbers, and they don't say how many combatants were killed. According to them there are none, literally no one killed fighting the IDF according to Hamas. I don't believe Hamas at all... They are not honorable and truthful people.

Israel goes above and beyond to try and move innocent non combatants away from the fighting, and they have good experience fighting guerilla warfare so I think we can trust people aren't just being slaughtered indiscriminately as the news would have you believe.

Rather, Israel is conducting a normal war and during war people will die... The war is a very just one for them to wage at this time, as they were unjustly and inhumanely attacked during a ceasefire. It's a matter of their own national security to wage this war, and as our allies I support them in every way.

As human beings I would stand in front of Jewish people to protect them, because that is the right thing to do at this time.

I can't wrap my head around why the agenda of the United States and Western governments have changed so sharply. I thought we were decent people once who had a good way of life.. now the leader of the free world is himself dismantling it..
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243 God loves me
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This is sub-Christian logic. The people of Gaza are not asking to be martyrs for Israel.

Their earthly lives are their own, it's part of the dignity of being created in the image of God. And it's not right that you negate the value of their lives. Every life, even Christian ones, has inherent worth and dignity.

Bleeding for every life, isn't that what Jesus did?

hamas are war criminals. terrorist can’t treat people like they did on 10/7. Israel has turned the other cheek for many years. Now it’s time for war. have you seen the videos of the actual drug induced murder, rape. Incineration, disrespect and hatred they perpetrated on Israel’s civilians. And you call them human beings. Why does the world now support and defend terrorists. Answer me that! Because Jimmy Carter asked them into our country? And the world is upside down with hate for Israel. Something has always been wrong with antisemitism. And do you deny the holocaust too?

Do you holler about the Christian’s killed in Iran, by qatar, in India, in China, do you support the Chinese church anymore? Yet you support terrorists and the killing of Jews because they’re what? lost sinners. America started 2 wars after they endured terrorism and killed a whole lot more civilians. And oh did they save the Christian’s, no. but in Iraq the terrorists sure killed them and drove them out. Did you cry out about that? You don’t love Christian’s, you hate Jews.
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hamas are war criminals.

So? What does that have to do with anything? If anything, the Palestinians of Gaza are victims of HAMAS, too.

Israel has turned the other cheek for many years.

Not really.

And you call them human beings.

Because they are. People with inherent worth and dignity. People can do ugly, terrible things, but their worth and dignity is inviolable.

Why does the world now support and defend terrorists. Answer me that! Because Jimmy Carter asked them into our country? And the world is upside down with hate for Israel. Something has always been wrong with antisemitism. And do you deny the holocaust too?

What does the Holocaust have to do with this discussion? Being a victim doesn't give anyone the right to drop bombs on other people.

Do you holler about the Christian’s killed in Iran, by qatar, in India, in China, do you support the Chinese church anymore? Yet you support terrorists and the killing of Jews because they’re what? lost sinners.

I don't support terrorists and I find that notion offensive. Perhaps you want to rethink that. That's a serious accusation.
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The Philo project I believe is the name has done rebuttal videos to the pastor from Bethlehem.

It is difficult being a Christian there. Most have had to leave due to various persecution at the hands of Islamists, mainly economic persecution for being Christian.

If you do live there taking the side of Hamas is just sane, helps keep you alive. Go public against Hamas and you won't survive long... So the pastor is doing what he feels he has to do and that's okay.

But Hamas still has to go.

No matter.

The stance Biden is taking is, in my personal opinion, pure evil. There's literally nothing more evil...

I'm not a dispensationalist. I'm a traditional Amillenial and I have never ever seen Israel having any particular place in the New Covenant.

But all the terrorists in the world are against Israel. Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Taliban, al-Qaeda, Qatar, Iran (and apparently the US.) and more.

The picture of Israel falling, literally losing their war against them all, you and I don't want to imagine... We really really really don't want to imagine how emboldened they would be to then move on the rest of the world if Israel fell - that's the Islamist fantasy...

There would be worldwide persecution on a scale never seen before, with nothing between them and us... Because our western governments have already told us/shown us we won't be protected.

If Israel falls so will our world order. It's already changing before our eyes in ways I never even imagined.

I'm just standing in horror really. The biggest trainwreck in history and I am simply beyond words now.

Don't get thrown by the lies you're hearing. We are messing up badly by supporting the terrorists and not the democracy of Israel.

As far as how many Palestinians have died we really don't know. All we have is the word of Hamas on numbers, and they don't say how many combatants were killed. According to them there are none, literally no one killed fighting the IDF according to Hamas. I don't believe Hamas at all... They are not honorable and truthful people.

Israel goes above and beyond to try and move innocent non combatants away from the fighting, and they have good experience fighting guerilla warfare so I think we can trust people aren't just being slaughtered indiscriminately as the news would have you believe.

Rather, Israel is conducting a normal war and during war people will die... The war is a very just one for them to wage at this time, as they were unjustly and inhumanely attacked during a ceasefire. It's a matter of their own national security to wage this war, and as our allies I support them in every way.

As human beings I would stand in front of Jewish people to protect them, because that is the right thing to do at this time.

I can't wrap my head around why the agenda of the United States and Western governments have changed so sharply. I thought we were decent people once who had a good way of life.. now the leader of the free world is himself dismantling it..

That's an uncharitable construction of Pr. Isaac's motivations. You're implying he's unprincipled and insincere.
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The Philo project I believe is the name has done rebuttal videos to the pastor from Bethlehem.

It is difficult being a Christian there. Most have had to leave due to various persecution at the hands of Islamists, mainly economic persecution for being Christian.

If you do live there taking the side of Hamas is just sane, helps keep you alive. Go public against Hamas and you won't survive long... So the pastor is doing what he feels he has to do and that's okay.
I blame Abraham for this mess for not trusting God. Organizations will push their agendas even in politics.
But Hamas still has to go.

No matter.
No matter the cost of innocent lives.
The stance Biden is taking is, in my personal opinion, pure evil. There's literally nothing more evil...
Everything the left does is evil when in tribal warfare.
The picture of Israel falling, literally losing their war against them all, you and I don't want to imagine... We really really really don't want to imagine how emboldened they would be to then move on the rest of the world if Israel fell - that's the Islamist fantasy...

There would be worldwide persecution on a scale never seen before, with nothing between them and us... Because our western governments have already told us/shown us we won't be protected.

If Israel falls so will our world order. It's already changing before our eyes in ways I never even imagined.

I'm just standing in horror really. The biggest trainwreck in history and I am simply beyond words now.
We all know this won't happen because scripture says they will live to make a pact with the Antichrist
I'm not a dispensationalist. I'm a traditional Amillenial and I have never ever seen Israel having any particular place in the New Covenant.
I don't know what the tribes you mention are I'm neither. I won't accept a label. I am a believer in Jesus Christ.
As far as how many Palestinians have died we really don't know.
There are anywhere from 5000 to 30000 killed just scan a Google search. What is the end game for you, take over all of Gaza at any cost, that was my view a few days ago and I've argued for Israel in the past on these forums.

I still support Israel's retaliation but for how long? There are some Jews who persecute Christians because they still believe in the religion that sent Jesus to the cross. Just think how we look to a Jews, like how Muslims look at us as nonbelievers of Allah. I send money to Israel for the poor but I won't blindly trust their secular government just as I don't trust Christians in my government. We have to step back and look at the cost of human lives in all the conflicts on the planet which are more than 2.

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243 God loves me
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So? What does that have to do with anything? If anything, the Palestinians of Gaza are victims of HAMAS, too.

Not really.

Because they are. People with inherent worth and dignity. People can do ugly, terrible things, but their worth and dignity is inviolable.

What does the Holocaust have to do with this discussion? Being a victim doesn't give anyone the right to drop bombs on other people.

I don't support terrorists and I find that notion offensive. Perhaps you want to rethink that. That's a serious accusation.

friend, you do support terroists, you are defending them, your on their side.

war is what Israel do after senseless, mindless, psychopathic slaughter.

were they dignified on 10/7. That’s what they are answering for.

in Gods eyes murderers deserve to die and in a war crimes court they would deserve to die, you must see the wisdom of that…

the Israelis have been rockets on for years even in peace treaties.
hamas won’t stop and won’t stop until their complete annihilation, this is not right this is not reasonable. Look at what’s been given to Gaza billions and what they did with it is build a war machine. They could have what the need as a people if they were peace loving. Yes Jesus loves them and they deserve hell like we all did BC. But the need to repent. Am I right? But they are not Christian’s, when your a felon you give up rights by American and world law. they have been treated well by the Israelis but they can't take correction. They have done everything wrong, they are terrorists. They don’t value human life not even of their own civilians. Did you see that they shot their people in the legs if they got in the way of the aid trucks?
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friend, you do support terroists, you are defending them, your on their side.

Where have I defended terrorists? Or are you so bigoted to think that everybody in Gaza is a terrorist?
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It is difficult being a Christian there. Most have had to leave due to various persecution at the hands of Islamists, mainly economic persecution for being Christian.

If you do live there taking the side of Hamas is just sane, helps keep you alive. Go public against Hamas and you won't survive long... So the pastor is doing what he feels he has to do and that's okay.
Pastor Isaac isn't speaking out of fear of Hamas; he's speaking out of love for the Palestinian people and his homeland. Christian and Muslim Palestinians suffer equally under Israeli occupation and persecution and are in solidarity when it comes to their struggle. It's difficult to be a Christian in the Palestinian territories because of Israel's policies and occupation, and the economic hardship faced by Palestinian Christians is a byproduct of this. While there is some Islamist persecution against Christians, the amount that does take place pales in comparison to that carried out by the Israeli government and Israeli settlers.
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243 God loves me
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Where have I defended terrorists? Or are you so bigoted to think that everybody in Gaza is a terrorist?
Falsely accused and you lie. I thought you knew your scripture and had a modicum of self awareness. I’m angry that you can’t admit the truth. And what truth is that. And you moved on and that’s what I will do. Debating is nothing, nothing gets resolved. Stubbornness rules. If that’s what you want. I thought I gave you a lesson on how to be a Christian. But you just staid in your flesh and denied everything. I thought I treated you like an erringbrother and you wouldn’t hear of it. So I’m glad I’m acquainted with you. But like you and the Jews you can’t be reached. You won’t hear good reasoning nor scripture, nor love nor friendship. So go ahead and have your hamas, all I have for you now is a guilt trip. Good day sir.
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friend, you do support terroists, you are defending them, your on their side.
Why do you accuse? FD wrote, "the Palestinians of Gaza are victims of HAMAS, too." To criticize the treatment of the people by Hamas.
Falsely accused and you lie.
The accuser in the bible is who? Good name for you are "unqualified" to participate in honest discussion.
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All Jews are Gods people, ever since Abraham. Most of them have kept pure bloodlines since 70 ad.

And we all know that the most important thing to God is racial purity. /sarcasm

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And we all know that the most important thing to God is racial purity. /sarcasm

Agreed! We are flaunting over misguided people who make a pact with the Antichrist. Not understanding racial purity sounds like Hitler to me.
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