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Advice for New but older Christian


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Jul 4, 2021
New Hampshire
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I am just looking for advice/answer/ truthfully not sure which. I am an older gent who went back to church at 60. I joined a church and read the Bible. attended services, (still do) classes, etc. Lately i notice what i had been feeling has sort of waned. Often reading the Bible, i realize i might as well be reading a text book-meaning i read the words but they are just tha,t words.

Here is my dilemma. I believe in God, that Jesus died for our sins, in the trinity. I intellectually understand all of it and believe it. But what i once felt in my heart is now in my head only. It is hard to explain, but it is all of a sudden like an ambivalence towads it. Almost if my thoughts go -ya, i get it but.....

Is this something that can occur? Can you read too much or listen to much, where you become non plussed by it OR (and i am hoping) is it a case of "it can happen" but to continue what you are doing as it will come back. That feeling, the one that had me excited, desiring to change my life, act more like a believer a Christian has not left, it may have waned. Thanks in advance
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Sep 9, 2018
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Hi @AJHnh

It can happen, indeed. But it won't be because you have read or heard too much. Rather it's likely to be because you aren't being given good meals or you are before a wall.

In terms of good meals I mean that the teachings you are getting are probably very vanilla or basic and not delving into the riches of the Word, which will never leave a man wanting or bored. John 3:16 Land - reptitive messages, shallow roots. Yes, you know the gospel but are you really getting lessons that open up the rest of the Bible? Or, is there a disproportionate balance of worldly things and Godly things in your life that might be dividing your attention and heart? I have found that when I get involved in a lot of worldly activities and hobbies getting back into the Word is hard and steep. Yet, when you are there, there is nothing better.

In terms of being before a wall I mean that you need a breakthrough. That maybe you need to reassess your heart and attitude towards God and towards the Way. Did things start to become boring at a certain time? When did that start to happen and what changed in your life after it was all exciting and interesting? Maybe you have continued on in your journey leaving that matter unresolved days, months or years, which need to be addressed to breakthrough back to being as you were. Another reason maybe that you haven't been baptised by the Holy Spirit yet. This is absolutely vital and it doesn't happen automically when we become Christians, as some would teach. If you haven't been baptised by the Holy Spirit, seek this above all things.

I hope something in that helps.
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Jul 4, 2021
New Hampshire
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Hi @AJHnh

It can happen, indeed. But it won't be because you have read or heard too much. Rather it's likely to be because you aren't being given good meals or you are before a wall.

In terms of good meals I mean that the teachings you are getting are probably very vanilla or basic and not delving into the riches of the Word, which will never leave a man wanting or bored. John 3:16 Land - reptitive messages, shallow roots. Yes, you know the gospel but are you really getting lessons that open up the rest of the Bible? Or, is there a disproportionate balance of worldly things and Godly things in your life that might be dividing your attention and heart? I have found that when I get involved in a lot of worldly activities and hobbies getting back into the Word is hard and steep. Yet, when you are there, there is nothing better.

In terms of being before a wall I mean that you need a breakthrough. That maybe you need to reassess your heart and attitude towards God and towards the Way. Did things start to become boring at a certain time? When did that start to happen and what changed in your life after it was all exciting and interesting? Maybe you have continued on in your journey leaving that matter unresolved days, months or years, which need to be addressed to breakthrough back to being as you were. Another reason maybe that you haven't been baptised by the Holy Spirit yet. This is absolutely vital and it doesn't happen automically when we become Christians, as some would teach. If you haven't been baptised by the Holy Spirit, seek this above all things.

I hope something in that helps.
Thanks for the reply "disproportionate balance of worldly things and Godly things in your life that might be dividing your attention and heart?" is a possibility as my circumstances/responsibilities have changed along with some family changes (not serious, but changes).

I often wonder about the holy spirit but by my feelings prior I don't believe that is the case. Though I find that whole discussion interesting as there are differing views as when or how this occurs. The one thing I know without hesitation, is for Decades i would all of a sudden get a pang or thought, or desire to "read the bible" or my thoughts would turn to God. I have one Bible in which it was written may "1980" be your year. This would come in good or bad times, without rhyme or reason but act like a tap on my shoulder.

The other is often i will have an issue or be stuck perhaps on a passage or meaning of something in the bible and that week it is spoken about or referenced to in the sermon. I do believe in coincidences, but this has occurred far too many times. I will admit it is when this occurs i do feel his presence. So, i believe God is there.

I think your thought on balance may be the key. Thank You.
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Sep 9, 2018
United Kingdom
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Thanks for the reply "disproportionate balance of worldly things and Godly things in your life that might be dividing your attention and heart?" is a possibility as my circumstances/responsibilities have changed along with some family changes (not serious, but changes).

I often wonder about the holy spirit but by my feelings prior I don't believe that is the case. Though I find that whole discussion interesting as there are differing views as when or how this occurs. The one thing I know without hesitation, is for Decades i would all of a sudden get a pang or thought, or desire to "read the bible" or my thoughts would turn to God. I have one Bible in which it was written may "1980" be your year. This would come in good or bad times, without rhyme or reason but act like a tap on my shoulder.

The other is often i will have an issue or be stuck perhaps on a passage or meaning of something in the bible and that week it is spoken about or referenced to in the sermon. I do believe in coincidences, but this has occurred far too many times. I will admit it is when this occurs i do feel his presence. So, i believe God is there.

I think your thought on balance may be the key. Thank You.
You are welcome.

The balance thing is difficult it this world of distractions, both pleasant and worrisome ones. I have been completely involved with the Word and excited, stepped away for a mere week for hobbies and suddenly the Bible seems hardwork to get back into and the vibe can be off till I push through.

I suppose in that way it is like working out, you have to keep at it regularly or the gym is no longer pleasurable but hard work.

But more than this, the world can be like a deadly for the soul. If faithfulness is pure water, worldly things are a concerntrated posion. If I put just one drop of pure water in the poison vessel you wouldn't drink it. But I could put just one drop of poison in the pure water vessel and you wouldn't drink that either. They don't mix well. One corrupts the other.

We can't totally avoide worldly things, neither are all hobbies bad. But when we raise those things highest, it drips its poison in the pure vessel below it. Whereas if we give priority to the Word, the pure vessel stays over the poison, and is uncorrupted.

I suppose if I had any other advice to make things exciting again I would say leave no grey area in your understanding of the Bible. If the is a section or a book that you aren't really sure on - jump in with both feet and try to learn more about it, until there are no grey areas. Always ask questions and don't accept any answer that seems unreasonable, whoever it is giving you the answer. Because some of the answers you may take for granted aren't based in Scripture but traditions of men. Search for the truth in all things that seem fuzzy/odd to you until you feel that internal resonance of reassurance from the Spirit that you have reach it. A lifetime journey for sure, but an exciting one!

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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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If we dwell in the flesh too long then the flesh becomes all there is. If we dwell in the spirit Jesus becomes the most. I pray to find a good Bible preaching church and learn and grow in the knowledge of God. I pray He refreshes your spirit and you do what you need to do if you are truly sincere. God loves you.
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berry finn

Sep 8, 2023
Southern Illinois
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i am an elderly woman and i can only speak of what happened to me...
Jesus has always been with me...i haven't always paid close attention...
life can get very hard...talk about a wall..it can crash in on us..
my husband just died...our last little dog just died...all alone now...
even if i wasn't seeking Jesus so close....He did not forget about me...
don't worry...Jesus loves us..He will not forget us...
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Jan 19, 2024
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I am just looking for advice/answer/ truthfully not sure which. I am an older gent who went back to church at 60. I joined a church and read the Bible. attended services, (still do) classes, etc. Lately i notice what i had been feeling has sort of waned. Often reading the Bible, i realize i might as well be reading a text book-meaning i read the words but they are just tha,t words.

Here is my dilemma. I believe in God, that Jesus died for our sins, in the trinity. I intellectually understand all of it and believe it. But what i once felt in my heart is now in my head only. It is hard to explain, but it is all of a sudden like an ambivalence towads it. Almost if my thoughts go -ya, i get it but.....

Is this something that can occur? Can you read too much or listen to much, where you become non plussed by it OR (and i am hoping) is it a case of "it can happen" but to continue what you are doing as it will come back. That feeling, the one that had me excited, desiring to change my life, act more like a believer a Christian has not left, it may have waned. Thanks in advance
Are you being weaned off the spiritual milk and being moved onto solid food?
It's easy to do things when the good feeling comes quickly; not as easy when it seems a bit dry, boring and like it doesn't sink in.
Keep at it but don't overdo it either.
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Electric Nightfall
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Here is my dilemma. I believe in God, that Jesus died for our sins, in the trinity. I intellectually understand all of it and believe it. But what i once felt in my heart is now in my head only. It is hard to explain, but it is all of a sudden like an ambivalence towads it. Almost if my thoughts go -ya, i get it but.....
This happened to me when I was reading the Bible a chapter a day. It was a signal that I needed more depth with the Word. I switched from Bible reading to Bible copying, and my emotional engagement came back. I'm now headed into studying theology because I now find that reading English translations of the Bible over and over doesn't do it for me anymore.

Is this something that can occur? Can you read too much or listen to much, where you become non plussed by it OR (and i am hoping) is it a case of "it can happen" but to continue what you are doing as it will come back.
It does happen, but I think if it's happening over months and years, it's time to actually change things up. The non plussing is usually because the next stage of engagement with the Word (memorizing, copying, Greek, etc) requires more effort, and your sin nature resents that. This drains your emotions out of the valley. Extant sin problems will make this worse.

Another thing that happens: as we mature in Christ, and also as we age, we do become more emotionally mature and less passionate. Sanctification tends to regulate our emotions and we are less prone to mood swings, spiritual or otherwise. So lowering your expectations can also help. But you mentioned that the feelings come back when you are working a difficult passage, so I think it is an engagement issue like what I am experiencing. At least, maybe changing your engagement method will help.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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I am just looking for advice/answer/ truthfully not sure which. I am an older gent who went back to church at 60. I joined a church and read the Bible. attended services, (still do) classes, etc. Lately i notice what i had been feeling has sort of waned. Often reading the Bible, i realize i might as well be reading a text book-meaning i read the words but they are just tha,t words.

Here is my dilemma. I believe in God, that Jesus died for our sins, in the trinity. I intellectually understand all of it and believe it. But what i once felt in my heart is now in my head only. It is hard to explain, but it is all of a sudden like an ambivalence towads it. Almost if my thoughts go -ya, i get it but.....

Is this something that can occur? Can you read too much or listen to much, where you become non plussed by it OR (and i am hoping) is it a case of "it can happen" but to continue what you are doing as it will come back. That feeling, the one that had me excited, desiring to change my life, act more like a believer a Christian has not left, it may have waned. Thanks in advance
The word kardia translated "heart" in the Bible refers to your mind or whole inner life.

We may or may not have an inner emotional response in regard to our emotional feelings towards God .... we certainly can't trust our emotions by themselves. True Love (Gods type of Love) isn't an emotion but rather a principle .... putting others before self ... God does express emotion but rules by principles.

God's omnipresence means He is always there—even when the awareness is not. His Holy Spirit indwells believers at all times. God's manifest presence, however, is something that occurs in our lives as He chooses to reveal Himself. It is something that is sometimes experienced and other times not.

I wouldn't be concerned about it ... just continue walking with Him through. prayer and reading His Word ... and rest in Him knowing He is forever with you.
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Feb 18, 2024
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Often times we can get our minds on other things even when in prayer and the Bible (especially in pray) I bring this up because spiritual warfare is fought most often not in the heart but our minds. Paul states this in II Corinthians 10:3-5 being in the world we are commanded to renew our minds, Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 4:23-24. Paul give great advice on how to keep our minds purer: Finally, brethren whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8
But if you are sure your heart seems to be drawing away from God, these words in Revelation which are often used to led someone to Christ but written to saints who hearts was withdrawing from Him, might help:
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me.
Revelation 3:20
Just pray simply to the Father my zeal for Jesus is waning, please renew my love for you both.
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May 22, 2013
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Trust God now. Start fresh now.

"casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

And consider how God cares for all of us His children together; so don't get isolated with yourself being worried only or mainly about how you are doing. But we are family.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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I am just looking for advice/answer/ truthfully not sure which. I am an older gent who went back to church at 60. I joined a church and read the Bible. attended services, (still do) classes, etc. Lately i notice what i had been feeling has sort of waned. Often reading the Bible, i realize i might as well be reading a text book-meaning i read the words but they are just tha,t words.

Here is my dilemma. I believe in God, that Jesus died for our sins, in the trinity. I intellectually understand all of it and believe it. But what i once felt in my heart is now in my head only. It is hard to explain, but it is all of a sudden like an ambivalence towads it. Almost if my thoughts go -ya, i get it but.....

Is this something that can occur? Can you read too much or listen to much, where you become non plussed by it OR (and i am hoping) is it a case of "it can happen" but to continue what you are doing as it will come back. That feeling, the one that had me excited, desiring to change my life, act more like a believer a Christian has not left, it may have waned. Thanks in advance
It's kind of like the training wheels coming off.
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