Recent content by ZipherWolf31661

  1. ZipherWolf31661

    Am I a bad Christian for being a little scared about the Rapture?

    I can't say how relieved I am! I am so grateful for your guy's responses. This question and worry had been nagging at me for so long. But now reading your responses it has put a lot of that worry at ease. I've prayed to God about this and he's answered them by your guy's responses. THANKYOU!
  2. ZipherWolf31661

    Am I a bad Christian for being a little scared about the Rapture?

    Hey guys! I'm new here and this is my first time posting. Im 16 and this is kind of hard to explain but I hope you guys can get where I'm getting at and tell me if this is normal to every teenager. Okay, here we go, so I never thought much about the rapture when I was younger, I wasn't really...