Recent content by Yusuphhai

  1. Yusuphhai

    Is it okay to eat pork?

    Eating pork will not affect one's salvation, but it will distance oneself from the Abrahamic lineage of flesh. Being far apart is not necessarily a bad thing, getting too close can easily lead to friction.
  2. Yusuphhai

    Understanding the Trinity

    In Aramaic, God and God' Word can use the same word Memrah (Word, Logos, Holy Son). In Hebrew, the Holy Spirit is Ruach HaKodesh. Ruach means Breath and "Wind". When the word Ruach is pronounced, one exhales breath (through the sound of ch). When God exhales His Breath, He speaks the Holy Word...
  3. Yusuphhai

    A glimpse at our Eastern & Western Christian Churches

    There was a hidden line in the broad history of Christianity. After the Nicaean Conference, the Jewish and Gentile churches were in a state of division. Jewish church activities had to go underground. The revival movement of the Messianic Judaism in modern America revived the Jewish church from...
  4. Yusuphhai

    Christian Figures who were Rejected for their Faith

    British missionary David Livingstone (1813-1873) brought the Gospel of Jesus into the heart of Africa, and his body was buried in the center of Africa, a heart that truly loved Africans. Livingstone was willing to treat African black people equally, which was not understood by many British...
  5. Yusuphhai

    Christian Figures who were Rejected for their Faith

    I have read a book by Nee (<<圣洁没有瑕疵>>,Holy and flawless) and haven't read much else. Nee enjoys using symbols and metaphors to spiritualize and interpret the Bible. He was indeed a theological genius, but I cannot trust him casually. The other two Chinese church leaders, Wang Mingdao...
  6. Yusuphhai

    Which denomination is the right one?

    Abandon lies and deceit, and choose integrity and honesty. Overcoming the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees is not an easy task. In terms of theological doctrine, I will rely on the Jewish Church in the United States, but I also need to find a balance between Chinese and English...
  7. Yusuphhai

    François Carrière - Montréal

    Welcome Bienvenue
  8. Yusuphhai

    Christian Figures who were Rejected for their Faith

    The Chinese church has a complex emotional attachment to Watchman Nee (倪柝声,Nee Tuo-Sheng). He was a theological genius who wrote many beautiful hymns and ultimately died in prison. But some people also pointed out that his theology was mixed with Han Chinese witchcraft, which had a negative...
  9. Yusuphhai

    Has God failed in Asia?

    Has God failed in Asia? I sometimes feel like God has failed on the Asian battlefield. Asia has become a continent of spiritual darkness. I almost want to surrender to Satan.
  10. Yusuphhai

    Sins that lead to death ,Vengeance, and unrepentance

    Preacher Song once met a person. The person said, "I set fire to a person's house and burned seven people in revenge. Do people like me still have a chance to repent?" Song said, "If you truly repent, there is still a chance." I sometimes feel that my sins will not be forgiven, but this is...
  11. Yusuphhai

    I have a Very Legalistic friend

    Observing the law and being saved by obeying the law are not the same concept. Being sensitive to sin within the church is good. However, cutting off all communication channels may lead to extreme isolation, and the harm may outweigh the benefits.
  12. Yusuphhai

    "How do you become a Christian?"

    Abandon lies and deceit, and choose integrity and honesty. Overcoming the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees is not an easy task.
  13. Yusuphhai

    Christian Figures who were Rejected for their Faith

    The 20th Century Martyrs. Westminster Abbey, London.The last one is Wang Zhiming (a Miao Pastor) Wang Zhiming (王志明) (1907 – December 29, 1973) was a Miao pastor little known outside his home in Wuding County, Yunnan, China at the time of his execution on December 29, 1973. Since then, he has...
  14. Yusuphhai


    As a Chinese with Western Asian ancestry who joined a Jewish Church in the United States, I personally advocate for cooperation between Isaac and Ishmael. If we cooperate and remain faithful to God in the Bible, we will bring blessings to the world. If we fight to the death, we will both suffer...