Recent content by William J

  1. William J

    People who give me a hard time

    I pray that God would protect you from anyone giving you a hard time. I also pray that God would enable you to forgive such people for what they have done to you.
  2. William J

    Loosing my driver's license

    I pray that God would work this situation out so that you can keep your driver's license.
  3. William J

    I've decided enough is enough.

    I pray that God will be with you through the surgery and help you to lose weight and keep it off.
  4. William J

    Problems in my husband’s workplace

    I pray that God would intervene and protect your husband from these toxic co-workers.
  5. William J

    Pray that an Indian opposition politician named Arvind Kejriwal is granted bail, & allowed to campaign for upcoming elections

    I pray that God would work in politicians' hearts to allow free and fair elections in India with everyone allowed to run.
  6. William J

    Please pray for my friend

    I pray that God would watch over Marlene and remove all the cancer in her body.
  7. William J

    Hot Temper

    I pray that God would help you to control your anger.
  8. William J

    prayer request for friend caroline

    I pray that God would watch over your friend Caroline and make sure she gets the care she needs. I also pray that you would get the answers you need to feel reassured about Caroline's situation.
  9. William J

    Movie Shoot/Job Stuff

    I pray that God would work in the hearts of the business owners to motivate them to help you create your documentary.
  10. William J

    Please pray-New Stressful Part Time Job

    I pray that God will give you strength and courage to lead this art workshop and that your students would benefit from it.
  11. William J

    Need prayer…

    I pray that God would be with your sister, keep her safe, and give her better mental health. (I also have bipolar disorder so I can empathize with being in a manic state.)
  12. William J


    I pray that God would take away your depression and help you to have better days at work.
  13. William J

    For my sister

    I pray that your sister would have a successful surgery and that God would restore her to full health.