Recent content by vanille meisje

  1. vanille meisje

    It is time to burn atheists!

    Hmm, well, it will probably increase popularity of "new atheist" writings and add some money to Richard Dawkins' pocket. :) I found it a very thoughtful and informing book, but I wouldn't call it holy. Unlike the writers of the Bible and Qur'an, Dawkins doesn't make that claim. But how come...
  2. vanille meisje

    respect and virginity

    I don't think any one should gain or lose respect based on how sexually active they are. Your sexuality is just one part of you. It's unfortunate that we put so much emphasis on it, and try to determine people's personalities or values based on their choices about sex. If you decide not to have...
  3. vanille meisje

    Marijuana Prop 19 California ???

    I don't think it's wrong to use it if you're not violating the law, but I wonder why you would want to. Drugs seem to me to be a form of escapism. What are you escaping from? It seems that you should deal with the underlying condition that is making you search for a high or relief from pain...
  4. vanille meisje

    Is reading Twlight a sin?

    How can it be a sin to read any book?? :(
  5. vanille meisje

    In related news...

    Did you hear that NBC has picked up the pilot of "Odd Jobs", a show Michael Emerson (Benjamin Linus) and Terry O'Quinn (John Locke) pitched along with J.J. Abrams??
  6. vanille meisje

    Christmas with a Capital C.

    I think it will appeal to a lot of people with a persecution complex, the same ones who think that they are being oppressed if a harried shop clerk making minimum wage "insults" them by saying "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". And I think a number of people will delight in seeing an...
  7. vanille meisje

    What Classes are you taking this Fall?

    Uni: an anonymous Catholic liberal arts school :) Major: a double in Sociology & Psychology Classes: Behavioural Science 255 Research Methods Psychology 390 Case Management German 101 Intro German 1 Politics 405 Social Policy Sociology 375 Society & Religion
  8. vanille meisje

    Secular Student Alliance

    Hmm, never heard of that organisation before. Your friend probably enjoyed the meeting because it's nice when we find people whose views match our own. You probably like going to Christian groups because you meet people who share your faith and talk about things you consider true; your friend...