Recent content by Tropical Wilds

  1. Tropical Wilds

    From Roe-Bots to Inflatable IUD in DC: Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

    Those of us who want educated kids don’t want our kids to get a lesser education because other people don’t want their kids to know that LGBTQA+ persons exist. There’s no logical reason to pretend an entire group of people don’t exist because they don’t want their kids to know about them. What...
  2. Tropical Wilds

    From Roe-Bots to Inflatable IUD in DC: Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

    I don’t think sexuality is something scary. And I think comprehensive sex ed can’t happen if we don’t talk about sexuality openly. Depends on the secret. I think I have no business legislating the medical care other people are accessing and it’s between them and their doctors. I also think...
  3. Tropical Wilds

    From Roe-Bots to Inflatable IUD in DC: Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

    Nothing says “I look out for women” like advocating deceptive medical practices and allowing their employers to decide their medical care, lol.
  4. Tropical Wilds

    From Roe-Bots to Inflatable IUD in DC: Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

    The whole “won’t somebody think of the children” hyperbole doesn’t work on me.
  5. Tropical Wilds

    'Star Wars' spinoff 'The Acolyte' pushes LGBT ideology: 'Get ready for pronouns in Star Wars'

    Star Trek 6 had an openly gender-bending character. Next Gen had the J'naii and Q. And there was so much LGBTQA+ coded stuff in TOS that Shatner and Takei do actual talks about it, LoL.
  6. Tropical Wilds

    'Star Wars' spinoff 'The Acolyte' pushes LGBT ideology: 'Get ready for pronouns in Star Wars'

    And because you have no legs to stand on or valid point to make, apparently we are switching tactics to be deliberately obtuse for the sake of being argumentative. You think that because you're not a seven year old girl who fell down a rabbit hole, that means your demographic isn't the one...
  7. Tropical Wilds

    'Star Wars' spinoff 'The Acolyte' pushes LGBT ideology: 'Get ready for pronouns in Star Wars'

    I'm not sure why you keep acting like I don't know what you're talking about. I have said at least four or five times I know the song. And, again, as I said before several posts ago: "Even the song you’re referencing includes gender swapping and homosexuality, lol!" So, yet again, why you'd...
  8. Tropical Wilds

    From Roe-Bots to Inflatable IUD in DC: Pro-Abortion Scare Tactics Hit a New Low

    And when the justices were confirmed, the right to access abortions was established legal precedent and they wouldn't infringe on that, or so they said. My feeling is that if it's not on the table to be banned (which it is, but anyway), codifying it's availability and accessibility shouldn't be...
  9. Tropical Wilds

    Cops Stage Surprise 'Mock Shooting' on High Schoolers' Tour

    The initial comment wasn't intended as a statement that meant you or the news source is biased, only that I know what happened pretty directly and knowing that, seeing how it's spun based off who is reporting it is wild. Like I said, I read a couple articles that were like "won't somebody think...