Recent content by tonychanyt

  1. tonychanyt

    Where is my Paraclete?

    By "my Paraclete," I mean the point of connection where the Holy Spirit contacts my human spirit. My spirit is like an electric socket; the Holy Spirit is the power station. He provides an extension cord to plug into my spirit. KJV, Genesis 2: When God created man, a (detached) breath of life...
  2. tonychanyt

    What is freewill?

    What do you mean? Can you give an example?
  3. tonychanyt

    Faith healing for today?

    Thanks for the reference. This is how to do referencing and quotation in a scholarly manner: Display and indent the relevant text. Selectively bold the particular keywords that are important to your point. There is no need to bold the entire sentence. Have a laser-sharp focus. Be concise and...
  4. tonychanyt

    What is freewill?

    Quantum superposition cannot be applied to macroscopic objects. Schrödinger himself agreed with you. Wiki: I understand the situation through probability. There is a certain probability that the cat is alive, but we don't know for sure until we observe it. The actual probability can be...
  5. tonychanyt

    What is freewill?

    What do you mean? Probabilities as a math concept exist. Can you be more precise? If you can phrase it as a proposition, it would be best :)
  6. tonychanyt

    My take on Biblical inerrancy

    Did I assert the opposite?
  7. tonychanyt

    In the miracles of multiplying fish and bread, was there any fish among the leftovers?

    Jesus fed the five thousand in Matt 14: Matthew did not distinguish between fish and bread among the leftovers. In the next chapter, Jesus fed the four thousand: Again, Matthew did not distinguish between fish and bread among the leftovers, symbolizing God's abundant provision. However, John...
  8. tonychanyt

    Harmonize the Gospel accounts on the Resurrection morning

    This is my attempt to order the four accounts of the empty tomb morning. At least five women went to the tomb on Resurrection Sunday. Four of them were named: Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna, and Salome (Mark 16:1). The women found the resurrection morning frightening. The...
  9. tonychanyt

    What is freewill?

    I edited the OP to clarify. Please take another look. God is omniscient and omnipotent. In that sense, he is the first cause of everything. However, I would not detail all human events as logical consequences like that. There are probabilities and even the scientific Uncertainty Principle...
  10. tonychanyt

    My take on Biblical inerrancy

    How certain are you?
  11. tonychanyt

    What is freewill?

    What are THEY? What is the first cause?
  12. tonychanyt

    My take on Biblical inerrancy

    The word "inerrant" is not in the Bible. The term is not in the Scripture. I neither believe nor disbelieve it. When it comes to doctrines, I prefer to adhere to the phraseology of the Scripture. I would not bother using the term in the formal doctrinal sense. People who like to generalize tend...
  13. tonychanyt

    My SOUL will weep

    ESV, Jeremiah 13: If the people of Judah will not listen to Jeremiah's warnings, Strong's Hebrew: 5315. נָ֫פֶשׁ (nephesh) — 754 Occurrences Brown-Driver-Briggs: = that which breathes, the breathing substance or being = ψυχή, anima, the soul, the inner being of man: The נפשׁ as the essential...
  14. tonychanyt

    What does the Bible say about the Death Penalty?

    Moses prescribed capital punishment in Exodus 21: Acts 25: If I am guilty of death, then let them execute me. Paul was okay with the death penalty. See also Was the death sentence always carried out in the OT?
  15. tonychanyt

    This kind of demon does not go out except by prayer and FASTING

    Fasting and prayer were sometimes paired in the OT. BSB, Psalm 35: Daniel 9: There was no guarantee that fasting and prayer would always change an outcome. David committed adultery and murder in 2 Samuel 12: In the end, the child still died. In the Gospels, the disciples could not cast out a...