Recent content by Tolkien R.R.J

  1. Tolkien R.R.J

    Representation and Written Constitutions: The Origins of Freedom?

    My most recent article shows that documents like the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, and representative governments were not advances in liberty but signs of decay. Representation and Written Constitutions: The Origins of Freedom? ... f-freedom/
  2. Tolkien R.R.J

    Medieval Kings vs Monarchs

    In an article Published in History Is Now Magazine I begin to explain the vital differences between a Medieval king, and a monarch. ... n-emperors
  3. Tolkien R.R.J


    I published my first article (a short bit on feudalism) for Feudalism: Origins and Life under Lords ... der-lords/
  4. Tolkien R.R.J

    Celebrate Tolkien Reading Day!

    Celebrate Tolkien Reading Day by purchasing the newly released book Middle-earth Lore: Tolkien's Legends Revealed.
  5. Tolkien R.R.J

    Middle-earth Lore: Tolkiens Legends Revealed, is now available for pre-order

    My new book, Middle-earth Lore: Tolkiens Legends Revealed, is now available for pre-order (ebook). It will be released in paperback and hardcover on March 25th, Tolkien Reading Day...
  6. Tolkien R.R.J

    Could the theory of “natural selection” have happened AFTER the flood?

    Speciation Is speciation different from evolution? - Speciation Questions and Answers - Refuting Evolution 2 chapter 4: Argument: Natural selection leads to speciation -
  7. Tolkien R.R.J

    Christians Need to be a Protected Group!

    not an anti-christ Marxist secular worldview. but your assumption is we need a centralized state-sponsored totalitarian education system. How about the parents decide? how about homeschooling? how about people group together and start there own private schools Christian, Muslim, Marxists...
  8. Tolkien R.R.J

    Christians Need to be a Protected Group!

    I am not forcing others who think my worldview is evil to support it as people who believe as I do are discriminated against and forced to fund that which I think is evil. I am really not sure how else to say this to help you understand.
  9. Tolkien R.R.J

    Christians Need to be a Protected Group!

    how did you get that? i said I don't want my money stolen to fund their worldview that is evil.
  10. Tolkien R.R.J

    Christians Need to be a Protected Group!

    the state-sponsored worldview taught in schools. Naturalistic, humanistic, relativistic, socialistic, evolutionary godless worldview.
  11. Tolkien R.R.J

    Christians Need to be a Protected Group!

    treating Christianity less than secularism is. forcing Christians to fund there worldview via secular schools is. mostly agree, and that is my point, we no longer have freedom of, but from religion. and they should fund their own religious schools, I have no issue with that. but forcing...
  12. Tolkien R.R.J

    Christians Need to be a Protected Group!

    sorry, my internet has been down. I wanted to compile some examples. To start, I never said I was; I said Christians across the world are the most persecuted. I also said just because something is in law does not mean its applied equally as governments mistreat minorities and dissenting groups...
  13. Tolkien R.R.J

    Christians Need to be a Protected Group!

    John Hawkins - 7 Examples of Discrimination Against Christians in America Canadian pastor arrested for holding church service | World | The Christian Post
  14. Tolkien R.R.J

    Christians Need to be a Protected Group!

    Would You Be Willing to Stand? Religious Persecution Comes to Finland
  15. Tolkien R.R.J

    Christians Need to be a Protected Group!

    allow me some time to give you some of the more major ways in which I am persecuted. It is late here in Vermont and I have a busy day.