Recent content by Tellyontellyon

  1. Tellyontellyon

    Self hate

    If Judas hadn't 'blown it' how could the prophesies have come to fruition?
  2. Tellyontellyon

    Self hate

    Thank you for his answer.
  3. Tellyontellyon


    These sisters are quite famous in the States. One of them is married. I'm wondering.. if one accepted Jesus and the other didn't... How would that work out? Another question. They share a body from the waist down... they share a single genital... The married one, Abby, wants to start a...
  4. Tellyontellyon


    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." ~ God (KJV) Why would God deliberately harm us?
  5. Tellyontellyon

    Self hate

    I wonder how as Christians you deal with self hate? What aspects of the teachings and beliefs help you when you feel down on yourself, or even on the edge of hurting yourself? Do believing Christians experience a wish to end their lives sometimes or does God transform them so they can no longer...
  6. Tellyontellyon

    Loving yourself

    Mmmm? You didn't really answer and the verses quoted don't specify masturbation.
  7. Tellyontellyon

    Loving yourself

    Is masturbation a sin under the new covenant? Yes, no, maybe, evidence. Thank you.
  8. Tellyontellyon

    Burn her!

    The Bible says they ARE real, and takes them very seriously. Certainly the women in my family have done spells and the targets have then got ill or been hurt in 'accidents'. I've seen for myself how this stuff is real.
  9. Tellyontellyon

    Heaven and Earth

    I'm not seeing the 1000 year reign reference, or the thing about the Mosaic law being suspended and then coming back. What are the verses that say that please.
  10. Tellyontellyon

    Burn her!

    What is the Christian position on witches and witchcraft? The Bible says: Exodus 22:18 “Do not allow a sorceress to live." In a truly Christian society, without any secularism, would witches be killed? And would you support such a thing? Indeed, would you like to live in a Christian State...
  11. Tellyontellyon

    Heaven and Earth

    Do you have the verses please?
  12. Tellyontellyon

    Heaven and Earth

    From Matthew, quoting Jesus: " 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in...
  13. Tellyontellyon


    Well... That's a sightly crazy (Marshall Applewhite crazy) take on things. Thank you for the... interesting.. point of view.
  14. Tellyontellyon


    What does it mean? Is it prophecy? Is it instruction to believers? Literal, symbolic, both? How should this book be approached and understood?
  15. Tellyontellyon


    Were/are Samaritans jews? Is it a different religion? What are the differences?